Example sentences of "[adj] time [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 d ) The mtDNA/nuc.DNA ratio is 1.5 times higher in the mutant strain than in the wild type .
2 That meant Argentinian shoppers were paying roughly 30 times more for the same basket of goods at the end of 1989 than at the beginning of the year .
3 Lowell had heard them a few times before on the Sundays when life was normal and they were just background music at the commencement of an ordinary day .
4 Like the previous chapter , this one has drawn upon a vast literature , this time largely from the discipline of political science .
5 However , development was enhanced after about 4500 B.P. There is also evidence for increased storms and winds at this time elsewhere in the Outer ( Simpson , 1966 ) and Inner ( Birks , 1987 ) Hebrides and from Orkney ( e.g. Keatinge and Dickson , 1979 ) .
6 So your mum 's cut it up or you 've cut it up this time just between the two of us and you 've cut it into two halves you 've got half there and I 've got another half .
7 At this time much of the history was preserved in oral tradition , and there were long Frankish epic poems or cycles of ballads describing the deeds of his predecessors .
8 By this time much of the swamp forest of northern America had vanished .
9 At this time then after the war , how many vehicles were there running ?
10 Referring back to that list of priorities led me to address this thorny issue once more , only this time less from the point of view of a recording being merely compared with other recordings ( or some mean recorded standard ) , than the level of execution which the scores themselves would appear to invite .
11 She had kept her looks and her health , and had spent her free time productively with a variety of projects and committees .
12 Between the date of Meehan 's conviction and his appeal a month later , Nicky told me , he had an astonishing piece of luck in that there had come into his possession a tape-recording of an interview with Griffiths taken some time previously for a programme the BBC had made at Gartree prison .
13 ‘ Dorothy , do you remember a story in the news some time ago about a chap who had somebody who was homeless living in the shed at the bottom of his garden ? ’
14 It 's in response to Mr Allenby 's question we seem to be patiently waiting for I think he posed it some time ago about the county council 's view on whether in the absence of a strategic exceptions policy or whatever you call it , a major exceptions policy in the structure plan , whether the county council would object to it being pursued in the in the local plan .
15 BOSS ME-6 & ME-10 BOSS 's success in the effects pedal market was expanded some time ago with the introduction of the ME-5 and BE-5 multipedals .
16 He has been known to buy entire collections that please him , as he did some time ago with the modern Italian co-operative Memphis , or more recently with the furniture designer André Dubreuil .
17 Observations from the Earth of the east-west motion of small features in the Jovian clouds led some time ago to a sidereal rotation period for the equatorial region of 9h 50m 30.003s , and 9h 55m 40.632s for the rest of Jupiter .
18 Miss Ross said her sister had kept a personal protection gun at home previously but had returned it some time ago to the Maze for safekeeping .
19 6–8–1880 Archibald Currie etc appeared and " mutually acknowledged that they had been guilty of quarrelling some time ago in a way scandalous to religion in the community where they reside .
20 My right hon. Friend set out the Government 's policies some time ago in a clear document that was fully backed by the CBI , which believes that we have the right policies to improve our competitiveness and to take advantage of lower inflation and of business conditions around the world as they improve .
21 This involves helping staff through the possible stages of individual crises identified some time ago in the USA , eg the phases of ‘ shock ’ , ‘ defensive retreat ’ , ‘ acknowledgement ’ , ‘ adaption and change ’ Fink , Beak and Taddeo , 1971 ) .
22 He wrote to me some time later about a meeting with Ivy at Madge Ashton 's when there was some talk about Angus Wilson .
23 I 'm sure Mr Trumper will join you some time later in the week . ’
24 She was awakened some time later by the sound of Fen 's voice and his hand briefly shaking her by the shoulder .
25 I think that with John Maynard-Smith around — and I hope he 'll be around for some time yet in the University of Sussex , and I hope the University of Sussex will be too
26 Initially there had been a substantial market for British films in the US , where demand remained for some time ahead of the production levels achieved by American filmmakers .
27 And we now report that the arrangements towards this move are well on track for execution this year , some time ahead of the timescale that we indicated last year .
28 The facades of 106 houses were rapidly built , but it was another twenty years or more before many of the interiors were begun and Kemp Town stayed for some time rather like a giant film set with the image of grandeur propped up by heavy wooden beams .
29 Spare yourself : allow yourself some time away from the patient each day , if possible , and organize longer breaks for holidays at intervals .
30 ‘ We do n't know yet exactly when we will take delivery of the scanner but we would hope it will be some time early in the coming financial year which starts in April , ’ he said .
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