Example sentences of "[adj] time [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That was an enormous transformation from the world where you only met gay people at specific times of day in specific places under specific circumstances .
2 Each cited paper is referred to between 1.05 and 1.15 times on average in every paper that actually cites it .
3 The early 1960s were turbulent times for blacks as the reverberations from the spate of immigrant intimidations following the Notting Hill and Nottingham episodes had barely subsided .
4 Anyone of a moderately sensitive disposition , who is not in the thrall of what Aldous Huxley termed their ‘ idiot monologue ’ of petty rigmarole , but who is sufficiently inwardly tranquil and open to the influence of the landscape , can not fail to be struck by the uncanny quality which the chalk ‘ breathes out ’ at different times of day under particular atmospheric conditions .
5 Owen himself served at different times as governor of the community .
6 When we were there Stan was with us and he 'd been a few times to Brussels to with the Labour Party and , and he said oh it 's great !
7 Still at school but has already played a few times in midfield for youth team .
8 It is only a short way from this position to punishment of artists whose views are seen as heretical , a tendency which led in medieval times to burnings at the stake and , more recently , to the horrors of the Maoist ‘ cultural revolution ’ .
9 The client will need to be told how to contact you , whether there are any prefered times for calls to be made and who they can expect to speak to .
10 The median times between start of treatment and the final follow up examination did not differ between th two subgroups : 63 days ( range 35–224 ) inthe successful eradication group , 118 days ( range 35–454 ) in the failed eradication group ( 2p>0.50 ; Mann-Whitney rank test ) .
11 Intervals of proper time between events with coordinate separation ( c dt , dx , dy , dz ) are given by which is the metric equation for this space–time ( Minkowski space ) .
12 Kilrea YFC member Robin Bolton is having an interesting time in America on an exchange trip sponsored by the Bank of Ireland .
13 It was ridiculous to miss such a beautiful exciting time of day for a mark on a clock .
14 I did not get a grant for my preclinical years so I worked half time in research for two years .
15 We can repeat our exercise and briefly characterise the divergence between the naturalistic and sociological explanations , this time through reference to marriage and the position or role of women in the family ( Table 1.2 ) .
16 By that time Dinah was on the boards again , this time without fear of a shortened run .
17 But Mrs Taylor began crying even more , this time with tears of joy and relief that her babies were safe .
18 ‘ They will need a bit more this time with Portadown in such great shape .
19 I completed another tour of the mill and cottage , this time with Nigel in tow , trying to sound as objective as I could , as if I , too , saw mere possibilities , but as our tour progressed I could see that Nigel had warmed to it almost as much as I. He pointed out some ‘ interesting features ’ that I had missed , such as some of the wooden working parts of the mill machinery set high in the plastered walls , and told me what they had originally been used for .
20 Well I think we should take another look at what you actually said this time with subtitles for those poor people who are n't telepathic .
21 And then on Wednesday at ten forty five more Coca Cola Cup action this time with Derby against Spurs and Manchester United against Leicester .
22 We moved on across the island to see the kittiwakes ' colony and yet more puffins , this time with beakfulls of fish returning to their nesting burrows .
23 So did is an anaphoric verb phrase ; that is to say , its referential properties operate not directly , but indirectly , through a previously mentioned verb phrase , in this case expired last Thursday , which must be re-applied , this time with John as subject .
24 In the summer of 1991 , I had another mink film to make — this time for Wildlife on One — and the first place I thought of was the logjam on the River Usk .
25 Another warning … this time to parents about the dangers of youngsters touching farm animals .
26 The interesting question is whether the reform to regulations regarding fee structures in 1982 and , to a lesser extent , the greater freedom architects enjoyed from about this time to practice in a less restrictive manner have influenced the pattern of events .
27 She to play the part this time of chaperon to her own servant ?
28 Whatever the ultimate effects of the present move to academic excellence and competition in our schools I would point people in the diocese to notice the serious cuts which are being made within other areas of education in both Cumbria and Lancashire — and especially , in this time of discussion about juvenile crime , in the County Youth Services .
29 Ten miles on came heathland alive at this time of day with heather-coloured rabbits .
30 At this time of year of course it 's all go , what with the beans and the tomatoes and the soft fruit coming on all at once .
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