Example sentences of "[adj] see them [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The components are of magnitudes 4.4 and 5.7 , and since the separation is almost 44 seconds of arc it should be possible to see them individually with × 20 binoculars , but I have never been able to do so with certainty .
2 At a fair distance , and without being able to see them clearly in the encroaching dusk , they seemed a friendly lot and we yelled back .
3 The darkness beneath the cover encourages the worms to tunnel close to the inside of the glass so that you will be able to see them clearly in their burrows .
4 The Class 50 refurbishment programme was completed , although they are destined for a short life , while limited work was also carried out on Class 20s , 26s and 33s to see them through to the arrival of new designs .
5 I was surprised to see them up in the tall grasses , instead of moving along the exposed bank , but I realised that the rising river level had forced them up .
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