Example sentences of "[adj] than [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A project in which the children 's desire to acquire information will engender high motivation would seem a far more appropriate way of achieving this than putting them through special library lessons , divorced from any meaningful context .
2 This is much easier than keeping them in piles in a cupboard or closet .
3 It was decided to generate the samples from referrals to the psychogeriatric service in each borough , partly because it was easier to do that than to draw them from general practitioners ' lists or social services department referrals , but mainly in order to provide the service for people whose illness was likely to be at a relatively advanced stage and who were likely to need extra care if they were to continue to live at home .
4 Separating sheep from goats within a school was little better than separating them into different schools .
5 The disorder that had seemed to him for decades to determine the course of events regrouped itself like a pile of iron filings suddenly organized by a magnet , and he had a flash of optimism when it appeared quite possible that men in the days to come might wish to find out more than concerned them at the moment .
6 Mr Dorrell continued : ’ In the past the Inland Revenue has , I am told , felt able to accept that the allowances paid to volunteers did no more than reimburse them for their actual expenses .
7 It does not drive them mad any more than depriving them of any other sort of sleep , although one early report did suggest the reverse , and was highly publicized .
8 Of course , such a device is doing more than protecting them from an over-exciting adventure ; it is also in a calmer way building up their anticipation of a real mystery .
9 Chasing prey through the tree-tops is much more hazardous than pursuing them along the ground , as this raccoon-hunting puma is discovering ( below ) .
10 Far better to let them grow up safe than expose them by making himself conspicuous .
11 It seemed to Ruth , what her aunt had long suspected , that to part with loved ones while they are still living , with never a hope of seeing them again , was worse than losing them by death .
12 Do n't you come across many teachers who say something along the lines ‘ I 'd love to try this experiment ’ , or ‘ I 'd like to try this in a different way , but I have C S E or O level or A level coming up for my children in a term or a year and I ca n't possibly afford to do other than cram them for these examinations ’ .
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