Example sentences of "[adj] get [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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31 Really I reckon there 's something wrong , convinced of it , oh it runs alright once it 's moving it 's just such an awkward driver that 's all I was glad to get out of the thing I was did knock the bloody er whatsit down , buses knock the er
32 And then I expect you 'll be glad to get back to the Vicarage .
33 His slides were good and his descriptions fairly accurate , but I sensed we were all glad to get back to the comfort of the hotel and I to my electric fire .
34 The damp close air was heavy about them , it slowed their pace and they were glad to get back to the steading and watch Sullivan repairing the tractor .
35 So did I , thought Juliet , and for once she was glad to get back to the ward .
36 I know I shall be glad to get back across the Atlas .
37 Now in a sentence in the Independent and the Times and other periodicals you would find there are more words of three and four syllables than in the tabloids , but that gets back to the clarity index again .
38 It said , if Labour get in to the government today , will the last person who leaves Britain please put the light out .
39 Each time firing occurs close at hand , we all get down into the ditch — this adds to the pain and discomfort of the wounded .
40 Times when we all get down in the dumps , but God can always reach deep within us and put us back on our feet again .
41 Oh , they 're all getting in on the act , are they ? thought Dalziel .
42 It was neither pleasant nor unpleasant , though the endless peeing , he wrote , the endless getting up in the middle of the night when the ice clung to the windowpanes and the taps were frozen , that was more unpleasant than pleasant , but it was not that , he wrote , these things - will not change , my bladder will not improve and next winter the ice will still cling to the panes and the taps will still freeze , but I will not notice them .
43 Even so it was just great to get back on a road race bike again in February .
44 It 's good to get out of the atmosphere of a Home for a time . ’
45 And it does me good to get out of the house .
46 It 'll do him good to get out for a while ; it 's being cooped up indoors all day makes him fidgety . ’
47 If they were to appoint a knowledgeable , experienced , well-briefed David to oppose the players ' Goliath , they might not gain total victory but at least there would be a result and we could all get on with the game .
48 If they were all to get on as a family , she would have to be careful about introducing Richard to the children .
49 It was Crane 's horse that had bolted but there was no doubt that if they were all to get out of the forest alive Crane would have to be mounted .
50 Oxford United got off to a flyer at Notts County thanks to a goal after only eight minutes from Nick Cusack …
51 When referrals have come from other professionals it is important to get back to the parents ' view rather than working from the information in the referral letter .
52 So they 're actually charging people a little bit more to get in to the pantomime this year .
53 If there is any restriction on movement , however slight , of the spine , hips and lower limbs , the person may be unable to get out of the way of a dangerous moving object with sufficient speed to prevent mishap .
54 If they do n't , one should dismiss the idea of cars unable to get out of the garage as sensational rubbish-mongering .
55 Add the position of his feet being wide apart and he is unable to get out of the way or play down the line .
56 My eye fell on a page she had left on the kitchen table the other day and I had noted , before I could avert my eyes , a pretty scholarly history of my conversion to double-knotting , after an incident when I was unable to get out of the train at Greenwich one evening and found myself being carried on to Maze Hill , because someone was standing on the trailing lace of my shoe .
57 Several of the larger equipment companies have a mail order service , which is useful if you are unable to get out to the shops .
58 When a dolphin becomes trapped in a net , it drowns because it is unable to get back to the surface to refill its lungs when the supply of air runs out .
59 After the lecture there were tea and refreshments and it was not until fairly late that I rang Emily just to say Hello , and how sorry I was to be too busy to get over to the house to see her this trip .
60 But Ferguson insists it is not too late for United to get back in the hunt .
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