Example sentences of "[adj] but [prep] [art] end " in BNC.

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1 The progress of this relationship is n't altogether clear but at the end of the book he describes the Italian male lover as a ‘ sleepy tomcat ’ and Vittoria 's life as subject to frequent phases of ‘ wailing neck biting followed by complacent indifference ’ from such men .
2 At first it were good because it were incentive for her to keep going because she 'd , you know , paid so much but toward the end , she said , it were getting ridiculous .
3 ‘ At 2–0 I thought it was going to be easy but in the end it was n't easy at all , ’ admitted Charlton in his after-match press conference .
4 To begin with we were nervous but by the end we were making up silly situations and if we made mistakes everyone laughed . ’
5 I 've always had to work very hard but at the end of the day I 'm , I 'm self-satisfied because I 'm I 'm doing what I want to do .
6 And just back to football , the South Midland premier division ; Thame United retain their lead at the top of the table with a narrow but in the end , comfortable victory at Langford this afternoon .
7 on site time- keeping and sickness is low but at the end of the day when it comes to the middle of May then she ai n't gon na get a sh she ai n't gon na be employed anyway to be quite honest , unless she pulls her finger out .
8 At the beginning of his term as General Secretary , Brezhnev had been seen as a leader pursuing the art of the possible but by the end of his life , his leadership was seen , more pointedly , as the avoidance of the necessary .
9 The UK 's position in the mid 1960s provides a good example since she tried to avoid a change in her par value for as long as possible but in the end was forced to devalue because of increasing capital outflows .
10 Tavett had been shaky but in the end unmoved : he added nothing and changed nothing of what he had said on Saturday .
11 Zara Wolseley took the first set of her Under-18 match with Jo Ward 6-4 but at the end of a hard encounter saw Ward claim the next two sets 6-3 6-2 for victory .
12 ’ We take all the obvious precautions security tags , chaining up the leather , keeping staff vigilant but at the end of the day , it 's impossible to be 100 per cent secure .
13 As for the West Midlands , it tried various shades of red , white , blue , and grey and even canary yellow but by the end of 1989 had still not got its formula worked out .
14 By contrast Frances Spalding 's final chapter , ‘ The Modern Face ’ , is surprisingly tentative for such an experienced writer : she obviously contemplates deserting the more endangered of Bloomsbury species the rank amateur as opposed to the merely amateurish but in the end mounts a token defence , and so damns them with faint art history .
15 Oh Andrew 's always very slow but at the end of it bending his head .
16 This may succeed for a week or two but in the end is bound to be as banal as the preacher 's brain , returning with monotony to well worn paths and well worked passages .
17 ‘ It could have been nasty but in the end I think it was just case of exchanging insurance details , ’ said Insp Madison .
18 First he was angry , then he was surprised but in the end he became very excited .
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