Example sentences of "[adj] do [indef pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Wilkinson added : ‘ It brings football into disrepute and washing dirty linen in public does nothing for the game .
2 Wilkinson added : ‘ It brings football into disrepute and washing dirty linen in public does nothing for the game .
3 ‘ I 'm ordered to give you these things , ’ Harvey said , as though he did n't want to really , but I do n't think he meant that — he was just over-keen to do everything by the book .
4 The knowledge that he was helpless to do anything about the forthcoming wedding made things no easier for Seb , and proof that the end of the gipsies ’ way of life in Wychwood was near at hand .
5 But , as we have just said , it usually does n't seem possible to do anything about the job .
6 And furious farmers were powerless to do anything about the handsome profits their former land fetched for the Department of the Environment , who took it over in the mid-1960s .
7 Oxfam is regularly approached with inventions and has not yet decided whether it will be able to do something with the ’ friendly fuel ’ .
8 He had no idea that he would ever be able to do anything about the predicament .
9 Because of the way Dr Kitzinger 's study was set up , she was not able to do anything about the stories she was told .
10 He has never been able to do anything about the chairs .
11 So the bedrooms and they 're not too bad because he has n't been able to do anything in the bedrooms the bedrooms are alright except that over the lintels in most of the bedrooms the plaster is is not right , it 's it 's flaking in great lumps and rippling and cracked something to do with the
12 And that 's extremely difficult to do something about the equity target , since National policy , the distribution of income , housing policy , all the things that we tackle on this committee and committees of the council have a very significant effect on the health of the people who live in the city , and it 's not in our control .
13 Although the courts have not expressly said so , it may be more difficult to do anything for the casus omissus .
14 FEARFUL that an eco-collection could be tarnished with a ‘ muesli bar ’ image , she purposefully chose ‘ to show an avant-garde range that did n't look too eco because the consumer is not ready to do something for the environment at the expense of looking good ’ .
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