Example sentences of "[adj] do [not/n't] [vb infin] to have " in BNC.

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1 The English do not seem to have taken this too seriously ; the fyrd , or coastal militia , was disbanded and the fleet paid off at the most crucial time in late summer , only to be hastily recalled when Harold Hardrada , the Norwegian king , invaded the north .
2 However , this did not seem to have been the case , particularly , except for the metal beads .
3 Although Bracton alleged that the rape of non-virgins was also punishable , this does not appear to have been the practice of the courts .
4 Three other panels had bands of jagged sawtooth decoration ( which is irregular in places ) , and although this does not appear to have an exact parallel in any of the other mosaics , the geometrical shark's-tooth pattern of the Great Witcombe mosaic and the circular band of thorn pattern in the St. Nicholas Street mosaic indicate similar concerns .
5 Kühdorf claimed another Hurricane over Luqa , but again this does not seem to have been confirmed .
6 In the non-chronicle sources there are suggestions of rivalry over Calais , where Hastings had replaced Rivers as lieutenant in 1471 , and there may also have been some friction over the Ferrers inheritance , although this does not seem to have been a major issue .
7 This does not seem to have caused them undue concern .
8 Provided the dose of the anaesthetic is sufficiently large this does not seem to have happened .
9 Over recent years much work has been done to promote more positive images of women in mathematics , but this does not seem to have developed into a comparable awareness concerning race or class .
10 This does not seem to have succeeded any more than had an earlier regulation that only waste from timber cut with axe or adze was " lawful " , not sawn timber .
11 In the non-chronicle sources there are suggestions of rivalry over Calais , where Hastings had replaced Rivers as lieutenant in 1471 , and there may also have been some friction over the Ferrers inheritance , although this does not seem to have been a major issue .
12 This does not have to have been the winning of some special prize or coming first in every race .
13 Pesticides have had a damaging effect on a lot of wildlife , including birds of prey , but for some reason this does n't seem to have affected barn owls as much as the sparrowhawk and peregrine populations .
14 This does n't seem to have bothered women in Japan though , where commercial tampons have been subject to strict controls since 1969 : no added deodorant ; no super-absorbency chemicals or rayon ; sterilisation in ethylene oxide gas .
15 As time passed he compared notes , revised his dosages and kept an eye on the testing programme , but the thought that it was wrong does not appear to have troubled him for long .
16 According to the Lords 's report on the water industry , 191 do not appear to have an owner and valid engineers ' reports ( required under the 1930 Reservoirs Act ) can not be found for more than half of them .
17 I have also had all internal cavities sprayed professionally with nickel screening paint from Maplin , but that does n't seem to have made any odds .
18 The significance of that does n't seem to have occurred to him . ’
19 And the other fear , of course , was that the cost of fuel is going to go out literally through the roof , if you 'll excuse the pun , erm that does n't seem to have happened , so again presumably they the tour operators will be able to hold prices , certainly as far as the flights are concerned ?
20 This regime , however , did not always guarantee a satisfactory result , as in the case of the tower he added to Wroxton church , Oxfordshire ( 1747–8 ) , the top stage of which rapidly collapsed — as Walpole pointedly reported : ‘ Mr Miller … unluckily once in his life happened to think rather of beauty than of the water-tables , and so it fell down the first winter ’ — but that does not seem to have affected his popularity .
21 On the other hand it has to be said that the er publicity for that does not seem to have penetrated very far amongst foreign visitors and there is n't very much evidence that foreign visitors have been put off coming here in spite of the considerable number of incidents that there have been in this country , particularly in London of course in the last year or so .
22 The practical services rendered by each side to the other do not seem to have been all that large although there is still considerable speculation about the volume of weapons with which the Vietminh were supplied .
23 Yet the campaigns of the 1340s and 1350s do not seem to have generated such political tension at home : victory and profit undoubtedly provide part of the explanation , but so too do changes in the methods of military recruitment and a conciliatory approach on the part of the king to the question of taxation .
24 In general the years from 1793 to 1815 do not seem to have been particularly bad in real-wage experience for the Cornish miners , though they suffered like others from the famine price levels of 1795 , 1801 and 1812 , in each of which crises they rioted .
25 Overall , the liberalisation which has taken place in the architectural profession since the early 1980s does not seem to have had a revolutionary effect .
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