Example sentences of "[adj] with it [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was gon na say as I recollect I did n't see much wrong with it that I would disagree with erm I think it 's nice to see , you know , sort of progress seems to be going on and erm er what I would say is sort of it might be a good idea to sort of line the numbers up a bit more but erm
2 Right , that 's it , that 'll do , I wo n't go any further and I can get the other things in well we had er , we had an aluminium friend , a double glazed enormous window over our landing and it was , the aluminium was so cold and it was conden there was so much condensation that we had a new window P V C put in , but I tried to sell this other window , cos it was beautiful you see , nothing wrong with it except you know , but nobody wanted it and I kept it and I had it for about two years standing outside and then I thought I can use that and I cut , it was a three section , three lots of glass all in one , cut down , divide it into two and one , and got myself a plant house under the erm
3 Well that 's interesting because we were wondering who we could get to have a look at our lawns and tell what 's wrong with it because they are not very good are they ?
4 Well , he was talk we were talking about the rave and th what was wrong with it and he was saying basically it was they 'd got four DJs who were all techno and they were like brilliant !
5 OK bananas , you any good at going down the stairs , can you lift your knees up high with it and you 're gon na go down stairs , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , you try that with me , ready , go , lift a knee ready go , dum , dum brilliant dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum , dum ,
6 Really careful with it but you still pick the outline up cos it 's in that area .
7 Er a well I do n't know , I feel that th there used to be something in that , that used to burn it up now what they call their top site and when they burned it they took all the acid out of it , and there used to be all yellow stuff come out the chimney and that , when they finished burn that was always red and the Germans used to come after that before the war , Second World War , they used to come after that and they used to reckon they make paintwork but now you done something else different with it and they use I tell you we used to give it the name of green oar or parites
8 Thus , in part , a causal circumstance is such that if it occurred , then even if there also occurred any change logically consistent with it and its effect , the effect occurred — or , it was the first and the effect was the last of a sequence of things such that the given connection obtained between each thing and its successor .
9 You 'd get bored with it before you 'd , you know , so but you need to bring the others in .
10 By this time , Lewis had shown Morse the yellow A4 sheet ; and Morse had seemed so delighted with it that he 'd turned on the car 's internal light in transit .
11 And one of the servants takes his one talent and he uses it and he works very hard with it and he buys erm raw goods and he makes things and he he a makes his one talent up into ten .
12 Ashamed of wanting her , ashamed of having let himself start their affair , Luke was no happier with it than she was .
13 you 'll you 'll be very comfortable with it and I can tell you now that 's one of the things that I got tied up with so
14 But we must own it and feel comfortable with it or nothing will happen .
15 dopey with it or anything like that .
16 Exactly , that 's what I 'm saying , so I said to Jess , you know have , just be a bit patient , be tolerant with it because you know , he 's probably feeling , he might , I mean it just be revenge .
17 Well , I think at first they were both afraid to become music specialists , but she knows so much now — good contemporary pop music , not just my music — that she wants to be involved with it and she refuses to be professionally involved unless she has expert knowledge .
18 And no one is stuck with it unless he wants to be .
19 But you 're stuck with it , and I 'm stuck with it and there 's nothing either of us can do about it .
20 But we are stuck with it until it is won in a manner suitable to Bush , whether or not the UN conditions have been met .
21 Erm so really you tell me which jobs you 're gon na send reports out on , a and erm that you would like that particular field sorting out , and I will get Ken and Amanda and Kerry to er t to get something in there , so that when you pull it off erm you 're happy with it or we can then edit it .
22 I , I think he knew about it , I think he was happy with it because I mean as , as , as we 've seen th th one can build up a , quite a convincing rationale for it
23 John and his team are more than familiar with it but it is important , so please bear with me while I spell it out . ’
24 We were so familiar with it that its evils failed to impress us .
25 Immigration officers are so pleased with it that they are putting up more , along the Arizona-Mexico border .
26 As far as one can tell from his letters , he was pleased with it although it did not sell .
27 mind you , you might be pleased with it when it 's
28 The mills seem to be well pleased with it and we 're now getting interest from clothing manufacturers and even consumers .
29 I 'll just put a little bit wispy in the back because when I was in Hans ' class , the best triangle I ever did was lovely , really pleased with it and it collapsed did n't it ?
30 ‘ Tim is very pleased with it and I am very pleased for him , ’ she said .
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