Example sentences of "[adj] with [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 You have to do a Chinese walk like this with them with a man on the other side holding the box like this because there is n't the distance .
2 If it is a very large contract then it may be reasonable for the builder to ask for interim payments as the work progresses , and you can discuss this with him at the outset .
3 Take this with you in the car on the day and you should n't come unstuck .
4 ‘ I do n't know what I was doing wrong with her in the middle of the year , but she 's blossomed now .
5 For — while Sir Felix had nothing much wrong with him except a wild look in his eye sometimes and a tendency to go off in fits of what Gemma had called " unstable " laughter — she had heard certain tales of moral laxity about his brothers and uncles and even one or two of his sisters , which had done nothing for her peace of mind .
6 ‘ You said they were n't acknowledged ; what 's wrong with them from the Edwin Garlands ’ point of view ? ’
7 You 've not really had anything wrong with you in the past , have you ?
8 There is a real danger in only doing the classical things — you 're OK with it for a time , but then you 're left high and dry when fashion moves on . ’
9 ‘ I know he was n't too popular with everyone in the parish .
10 Creggan found his plumage had fine mist settling on it , while his beak grew shiny wet with it as the trees of Three Island Pond changed to faint grey shadows of their former selves before disappearing into white .
11 ‘ Was he different with you after the dream ? ’
12 Thus , the phantasm , rather than constituting the event , hovers over its surface like a cloud , as an effect of meaning not identifiable with anything in the event as such .
13 We have since learnt from an unreliable source that Arlo is so named because Mr and Mrs Bez were trying to work their way through a baby 's name book and got bored with it by the end of the ‘ A ’ section .
14 You 'd be bored with it in no time — and so would everybody else .
15 The G M B's got a long record of joining forces with others which has proved to be successful , but if we 're gon na be honest , it 's always been recognized that we would be the predominant union and yes Apex members we should have been honest with you at the time of merger , because it 's quite clear you was gon na lose your identity to at least to some extent and we should have been honest about that .
16 The instrument more than justifies your lavish praise and I am delighted with it in every respect .
17 The children will be delighted with it in the morning , and they 'll have us all up before breakfast , I 've no doubt .
18 ‘ They were so patient with me at the beginning until I understood English better ; they would ask one of the secretaries in Wales to type a letter if I could n't .
19 When she has , through the process of grieving , faced the reality of her loss , you will need to be very patient with her through the period of depression that will follow , in which she may feel slowed up and extremely lethargic because , for a while , life will appear to her to have no further meaning or purpose .
20 The staff adored her , they found her friendly and unassuming with something of a passion for chocolates , sweets and the sugary romances of Barbara Cartland .
21 Although she had dined with Lionel alone twice , she was happier with him in the company of others .
22 And if Stavanger had left intending to be away for months he had taken remarkably little with him in the way of clothes .
23 He had disbursed more than was customary with him on the hotel where they had spent the night .
24 But I do n't know whether it 's cold with it during the winter or not I know but
25 Hornblower is no more comfortable with himself as an admiral , commodore of a Baltic convoy , than he was as a junior captain .
26 We can be fairly certain that the pulvinar is not homologous with anything in the rat , or indeed in any other group , because its embryonic origins are so distinct ( Rakic 1974 ) .
27 Take as little as possible with you in the Lecfile and leave the Shelfolds in your room .
28 Upson would not normally run the winner again , but as he says , ‘ things are not exactly normal with us at the moment .
29 For most of my time in the House , I have been dissatisfied with them in the same way as I was dissatisfied with private Bills .
30 These Africans are human — equal with us in the eyes of the Lord , ’ said Phoebe .
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