Example sentences of "[adj] that i [was/were] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was just after this that I was privileged to be able to visit the British Museum and by the courtesy of Mr Rex Barker , son-in-law of the landlord of the Five Bells , Mr McCaffery , I was able to view and handle the remains of our oldest inhabitant .
2 I guessed you were from the first , and the fact that you could quite happily and openly go away with him for a weekend everyone would know about confirmed that I was right .
3 I 'm sorry that I was unable to get , well two things went wrong first of all the date of the exhibition 's changed Gaugin and his friends in Brittany , due to circumstances beyond our control .
4 I was such a goody-goody at school it was unbelievable that I was pregnant .
5 This proved futile , and when I decided eventually to rise , it was still so dark that I was obliged to turn on the electric light in order to shave at the sink in the corner .
6 It was most unfortunate and ironic that I was unable to assist as my main project , the Claudian conquest , was well under way .
7 You see , I 've always been firmly convinced that I was homosexual .
8 Actually , I think the woman was envious that I was sexy and Max was cute — or the other way round ! ’
9 It was disloyal that I was able to divert myself , but appalling that I did so with Otto .
10 I 've had my reservations about all three of these acts at one time or another , but , standing here , gripped and pulsing , in Chicago University 's Mandel Hall , my veins pumping nothing but Dr Pepper and fatigue , it become obvious that I WAS WRONG ALL THE WAY .
11 In my own survey of visitors to the British Museum in which teams of five interviewers worked for four separate weeks interviewing at the museum entrances I made sure that I was present for at least the first day of each survey and was available by phone during the rest of the time .
12 That seemed to me to be quite all right , since I was quite sure that I was better than the average man .
13 I was sure that I was right .
14 Elaine , who is married and lives in Heswall , says : ‘ When I went on site more often , I made sure that I was comfortable and my shoes , in particular , were practical .
15 I 'm not sure that I was aware , at the age of seventeen or eighteen , of any sub-divisions within that single blanched palace of administration , that great white hall of bumbledom .
16 That took an hour , and made me so tired that I was able to lie down and go to sleep .
17 I was gon na say that was all that I were frightened of
18 It was as well that I was unable to visit the Aran Isles , for if they had changed since the 1930s my disappointment might have been too great to bear .
19 It was so hard and stiff that I was frightened I would break the wrist .
20 These were so extreme that I was sure some office junior had filled the form in wrongly !
21 It was not until 1965 that I was able to do the full course and fly the Boeing 707 .
22 ‘ I had to leave when my father died , to look after my mother , and it was n't until the late Sixties that I was free to go back to work .
23 Rut before he 'd pay any money he had to be satisfied that I was red-haired all over !
24 Also aware that I was happier with the evasion that I would have been with a wrong answer …
25 For a while I was scared that I was pregnant ; I had a disgusting sense of something alien inside me , like maggots or a cancer .
26 ‘ It might well have been true that I was guilty of wasting the talent that I have ’
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