Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 If in the future the single management committee on the two headed centre decide that they want a single headed project then only Pharuk hearing which I always subscribe to that it should be decided locally , they may have that said project I 'm sure you 'd agree , if they choose to have such one , if they feel that they need it , but we want to ensure , do we not , and the amendment does n't do this that we actually get a move on , that we spend the money we have , what little there is and there is very little on delivering the services , that we fuse the bureaucracy which is clearly contained in the other and , clearly contained , it 's spelt out in in in in tablets of stone in a way that 's never been done before .
2 Other parts of the working ‘ common sense ’ of the police in Easton are the typifications and recipe knowledge which they employ when doing policing , and it is to this that we now turn .
3 Whether in the case of deconcentration ( where parliamentary control is immediate ) or in that of devolution ( where it is mediate ) Parliament remains the central institution of the constitution of the United Kingdom and it is to this that we now turn .
4 The majority of investment expenditure is on fixed capital formation rather than inventories and it is to this that we now turn .
5 You may gather from this that I strongly recommend you to add some decent sound to your PC , and can recommend the Laserwave Plus highly .
6 But what I 'm saying is , it 's this that you really want .
7 Not only are the technical and organizational problems huge but it is not clear that we even have the intellectual concepts needed to talk about the issues we face .
8 However , it is clear that we still need to distinguish between different advantages which can be distributed unequally .
9 But they do make sociolinguistic assumptions : in context it is clear that they also assume the early development of a socially elite variety , and we can see from the first sentence of the quotation that ‘ carefulness ’ is probably also involved .
10 Department of Justice officials made it clear that they still see the pursuit of Gen Noriega as a criminal case .
11 However , on further examination it is clear that they often disagree as to what constitutes pornography , while overlapping on representations of sexual violence , they radically disagree on those of non-violent , non-marital sexual practices .
12 Mr Smith retorted : ‘ It is abundantly clear that you either do n't know how many billions of pounds were lost or you are unwilling to tell us . ’
13 Indeed this is so clear that I sometimes wonder why so much effort usually goes into attempting to prove it .
14 We do not have a closed mind , but we should like to rationalise our training areas , enlarging some that we already have and disposing of smaller ones .
15 ‘ I 'm afraid that you still have a major problem , ’ the family lawyer had pointed out .
16 It is dusk by the time the wild elephants reach the funnel and now the noise of the beaters behind them is so loud that they simply keep going — into the khedda .
17 I duly sent a copy to Eliot ; and although lie showed interest , I think it possible that he never read it through , as the following letter shows .
18 B'ham West Branch 's recent ‘ Home Birth ’ study day was so over-subscribed that they now have an account of the day available from , , price £1 .
19 The self-image of older people is closely linked with morale , which for many has sunk so low that they often do not wish to continue living .
20 ‘ Because you 're my cousin , and because I feel sorry that you still have the need to carry out these childish tricks . ’
21 In fact it is so fluent , precise and subtle that we often fail to notice it .
22 Once the winter rains have passed , Delhi experiences two months of weather so perfect and blissful that they almost compensate for the climatic extremes of the other ten months of the year .
23 Sometimes these first impressions are so strong that they stubbornly linger and defy revision even when different signals are being transmitted by subsequent visual behaviours .
24 It was hard , travelling home in that bus , and surrounded by the immense , evident , and varied liberties of people and land , to believe in the small impossibilities of her own home , and she felt , as she so frequently felt , the will to believe it to be different : the truth was too grotesque and too unnatural , and her hopes were so strong that she carelessly let them wander a little , giving them a little leeway , letting them sniff and pry and explore .
25 It 's the week after that that they really start playing .
26 Life is tough at times , and it 's when it 's at its toughest that we probably need and deserve some rewards .
27 Since then the most significant contribution has been made by aerial photography , such that we now possess a remarkably coherent record of the town 's overall morphology .
28 Unfortunately , the system is such that we often pay only lip service to this very important area .
29 Their position along this axis alters the cell 's internal programme such that they now interpret the positional signals within the bud so as to make the arm and leg different .
30 If you picture a , for example , a typical couple perhaps living in London , erm the price of property is such that you maybe start with an apartment .
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