Example sentences of "[adj] that [pers pn] [vb base] do " in BNC.

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1 Interesting that they 've done it so quickly is n't it ?
2 But that 's awful that you 've done
3 Hartmann ( 1979 ) argues that male workers are able to keep women out of the better jobs because of their organization , and that as a consequence women are obliged to marry on unfavourable terms , such that they have to do most of the housework .
4 I am delighted that they have done so well that it is now proposed , even in these difficult times , to increase their establishment .
5 An important contribution to staying calm is arriving at the interview conscious that you have done everything you can to be thoroughly well prepared .
6 You 're not so th relaxed that you want to do this but you 're relaxed and yet you 're happy with life as well .
7 ‘ It 's good that we 've done well — I 've really enjoyed it , ’ says Charlton , seven years in charge now .
8 We shall have to ask , for example , in what conditions classes recognise their interests and how observers can be sure that they have done so .
9 Will you make sure that you do do them put the dresses on the erm different .
10 The truth is that for a weekly paper in something as effervescent and ethereal as pop , all that we 've done over the last 40 years is not as important as what we do next week .
11 ‘ I do not agree with the proposition that the only problem in inner cities is poverty and that all that we need to do is to alleviate poverty , there being no need for other policies .
12 The C E C have had twelve months , the sections have been up and running , they should have learnt from the experiences over the last twelve months because all that they 've done is presented us with the same document with the exclusion of the one issue of the two year conference .
13 They see their lives as becoming progressively more empty and meaningless , and this essentially pessimistic outlook on their lives is reflected in all that they do , or perhaps more accurately , in all that they fail to do .
14 I am extremely grateful to the chairman of the Greater London Territorial , Auxiliary and Volunteer Association , Sir Greville Spratt , and to Brigadier Peter Bowser , the secretary , for all that they have done to lead the way in ensuring that the Government have been properly informed that the Territorial Army is adequately provided for in the future .
15 However , I conclude that notwithstanding that the strain of all that they have done , they at present , leave them to feel that they will transfer their physical caring duties to paid helpers in the immediate future .
16 I have been able to get on with ‘ getting better ’ simply because my colleagues have taken responsibility for my work load ever since the Executive Committee Meeting in July , and I can not thank them enough for all that they have done .
17 May I begin this afternoon by adding my thanks to those of previous speakers for all that you 've done to raise money for Save The Children during the past year you are tremendous .
18 All that you have to do to be included in the draw for this super prize , is to take out a subscription for yourself — or a friend or relative — by 25th August , on which day the draw will take place .
19 I do not want , wrote Harsnet , to try and trace this logic or to dwell , in these notes , on the nature and direction of my earlier work , especially , he wrote , as I have always held that any new work worth its salt should be essentially different from all that has gone before , all that others have done and all that you have done , just as the deeds of each new day must never simply repeat those of the previous day or days .
20 ‘ But I wanted to come and thank you properly for all that you have done . ’
21 … the rending pain of re-enactment Of all that you have done , and been ; the shame Of motives late revealed , and the awareness Of things ill done and done to others ' harm Which once you took for exercise of virtue .
22 I thank you once again for all that you have done in 1992 and wish you and your families a happy and restful Christmas .
23 I am also aware of the work put in to securing a new Glasgow Office — thanks to you and your colleagues for all that you have done at local level .
24 Do you think I have not been following all that you have done and all that has been done to you all these months ? ’
25 Is that all that I 've done ?
26 All that I have done today has gone amiss ’ , he says ( II , 17 ) ; ‘ Since we passed through the Argonath my choices have gone amiss ’ ( II , 28 ) ; ‘ And now may I make a right choice , and change the evil fate of this unhappy day ! ’
27 And I think it is so very important that we try to do that .
28 I think we can do that and I think it 's important that we do do that .
29 We do , of course , constantly keep these matters under review and I believe that it is important that we continue to do so .
30 But the very fact that you are reading this book makes it probable that you wish to do the best for your health and that of your family ; so what I would like to look at here is what is the best and healthiest nutritional intake for your body .
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