Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Spain , Portugal , Ireland and Greece also oppose an early enlargement , albeit for rather different reasons : they fear that the current transfer of resources to them from the richer countries — above all , from Britain and Germany — might be put at risk , and have made it clear that their support for any growth in the size of the Community is contingent on their receipt of guaranteed levels of Cohesion payments .
2 However , white , British women were clear that their support for anti-imperialist struggles had to be unconditional ’ .
3 But having politely listened to Mrs Thatcher 's remarks and having promised to pay due attention to Whitehall 's alternative strategy , the summit made it clear that their strategy for monetary union would broadly follow the blueprint laid down .
4 But when you speak to him it quickly becomes clear that his passion for climbing and adventure remains as strong as ever .
5 But you remember how intense your feelings were for someone who was your whole life , and you 're afraid that your love for him is n't so much dead as lying doggo , ready to rise up and damage everything you hold dear .
6 And how odd that his distaste for genuinely safe alternatives ( wind and wave power ) has become a phobia .
7 Some shape names are complex and , if pupils have a limited appreciation of the properties of a shape , it is not likely that their memory for its name will be enduring .
8 It was not until 584 that his bid for the throne made serious headway , and then only after the murder of Chilperic had left certain of his followers without a patron .
9 ‘ The next few months will be extremely difficult but I am confident that our reputation for quality , forged with our customers over the years , will allow us to bounce back quickly and develop rapidly to create more jobs in the not too distant future , ’ Mr Dunn said .
10 For the next couple of weeks , Brenda had phone calls from various people claiming the dogs belonged to the Sharmas and was even visited by the local police , although they were quite happy that her request for a description was reasonable .
11 It is unlikely that their enthusiasm for reporting marital rape would be much greater .
12 Despite initial SPD threats to block ratification , SPD leaders said on March 9 that their desire for improvements did not preclude approval of the treaty .
13 For instance , among the beliefs in virtue of which I claim to know that Napoleon was a great soldier there may be one which is false , but which is so insignificant that my justification for believing that Napoleon was a great soldier would survive my changing my mind on that particular point .
14 It is surprising that his fondness for drink did not do more to impair his career , which was a remarkable career , only marred by his reaction to the appointment of Harold Wilson as the leader of the Labour Party .
15 The partial success of Cuba 's policy is confirmed by the fact that as late as January 1961 Washington was aware that its scope for attacking the Castro regime through the OAS was still limited , and a majority for sanctions not yet assured .
16 He expended more energy on others , aware that his flair for living , combined with his money , enabled him to give others a good time .
17 Maria questioned him , aware that his desire for her had n't died yet even if the need to respect himself again had dictated that he put an end to their affair .
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