Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With him went several members of the Beni-Gomez family , and it is from this that their hatred of Rodrigo dates .
2 Couple of points though about this erm , how the parish council is recognized within the organization because it 's important and that did our day as well and , I suppose in a way it 's the one , one or so positive things out of this that we kind of latch on to , that the communication part is important and erm there may be others that feel the same way that we 're not actually communicating what it is that we 're doing , so , so maybe
3 While the government later indicated that it had merely given drafting assistance , it is abundantly clear that its influence on the Bill was much more than one would normally associate with drafting assistance .
4 Not only that , but the Conservative government had made it clear that its policy in support of nuclear power remained unfaltering .
5 It must now be clear that whatever form of unification or quasi-unification is eventually arrived at will not involve the neutralisation of West Germany in any meaningful sense .
6 It became clear that her reasons for not wanting to come forward were based largely on feeling guilty about her children being affected or at risk .
7 The girl could not explain how the locket came to be among her clothes , and it was clear that her protestations of innocence were in vain .
8 Spain , Portugal , Ireland and Greece also oppose an early enlargement , albeit for rather different reasons : they fear that the current transfer of resources to them from the richer countries — above all , from Britain and Germany — might be put at risk , and have made it clear that their support for any growth in the size of the Community is contingent on their receipt of guaranteed levels of Cohesion payments .
9 However , white , British women were clear that their support for anti-imperialist struggles had to be unconditional ’ .
10 It is clear that their devotion to The Wedding Present was too strong , and they did not have the resources to see through the whole project .
11 But having politely listened to Mrs Thatcher 's remarks and having promised to pay due attention to Whitehall 's alternative strategy , the summit made it clear that their strategy for monetary union would broadly follow the blueprint laid down .
12 It became clear that my enemy in all this business , the thing that could promote my own humiliation , was the Butcher 's measuring rod .
13 If in this respect Gloucester was still very much his brother 's agent , it is clear that his closeness to the king had already made him a person of some consequence .
14 If in this respect Gloucester was still very much his brother 's agent , it is clear that his closeness to the king had already made him a person of some consequence .
15 I witnessed on several occasions horribly embarrassing disagreements between Harold Wilson and Marcia Williams , but it was clear that his loyalty to her would not be disturbed by any difference of opinion or any show of temper .
16 When , however , one examines Oakeshott 's political writing in the context of his philosophical work it is clear that his notion of tradition is different from that of Burke .
17 Do not the Secretary of State 's earlier answers make it clear that his vision of Britain in the future is a low-wage economy with the worst employment conditions in Europe ?
18 The Maharishi has made it clear that his promises of Heaven on Earth are to be taken literally .
19 Although the new chairman Sir Robert Reid had his critics , at the decade 's end it was clear that his method of management had produced decisive changes .
20 But when you speak to him it quickly becomes clear that his passion for climbing and adventure remains as strong as ever .
21 I repeat that if one adds to that the £40 million from the foundation , the £20 million a year for football and the £1 million that I found for the champion coaching scheme , it is clear that our commitment to sport is greater than anyone 's .
22 I wish to make it clear that our objections to the changes to Lakeside are not motivated by the ‘ Private Residents against Council Residents Syndrome ’ .
23 This is not to say that the policy-making is wrong or misplaced , but rather to make clear that our questioning of research and evidence is not always simple or effective .
24 As his work developed , he became increasingly clear that our means for discovering the truth about reality stood in need of a persuasive justification .
25 But you remember how intense your feelings were for someone who was your whole life , and you 're afraid that your love for him is n't so much dead as lying doggo , ready to rise up and damage everything you hold dear .
26 We were like creatures so different that their scales of vision are incompatible .
27 The Chinese even suggested to Kissinger during the years of backdoor diplomacy before Nixon 's visit to Peking in 1971 that his channel to Peking via Bucharest was far from secure : Ceauşescu kept Brezhnev informed .
28 When you put it to Sole that his approach to captaincy is more intellectual than gung-ho he laughs : ‘ Well , I am not a Finlay Calder by any means .
29 She said something I found so odd that my vision of the world faintly changed and my despair lessened .
30 And how odd that his distaste for genuinely safe alternatives ( wind and wave power ) has become a phobia .
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