Example sentences of "[adj] that [prep] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible that in fact the true Shetland breed disappeared by the 1950s but the type persists .
2 Mr is it possible that in fact the on this occasion you forgot to shout armed police ?
3 It is not impossible that by election-day the memory of past Socialist errors ( committed by the man still leading the party ) will have eaten away Mr Papandreou 's present lead , and that Mr Mitsotakis will pull off as big a surprise as the one the equally uncharismatic John Major pulled off in Britain last year .
4 But tests have shown that Actomite is so effective that after treatment the House Dust Mite population is significantly reduced for up to three months .
5 For those reasons as I , have I , hoped made plain , it seems to me that the general scheme provided by Mrs is the one that ought to be adopted , however in my view when Mrs also makes provision for a second carer for some three hours a day that is well over egging the pudding , if I may adopt a phrase used by Mr at one stage during the case , I feel sure that in practice the two resident carers would not simply say well I 'm on duty from eight am on Monday till twelve midday on Thursday and I shall do nothing during the rest of the week , I think that living in the household for , at
6 A Dogs are naturally social animals and it is very important that from birth every puppy learns how to fit in with its own family and other animals it lives with .
7 Whatever the explanation , episodes of this nature make it plain that in peacetime the purpose of Soviet forces is not just to ‘ be there ’ but to be used .
8 This seems unlikely now to lead to the formal designation of the three types of universities ( 'R' for research-based , ‘ X ’ for mixed , and ‘ T ’ for teaching only ) that has been mooted , but it seems probable that in practice the university system will become more overtly stratified than before ; there has always been an element of covert stratification , although this has often related to departments rather than whole institutions .
9 It is notable that in winter the bird population of heathlands and commons in Sussex is decidedly sparse .
10 But Corden , mindful that in football a firm show of boardroom backing so often heralds managerial upheaval , said : ‘ I 'm not going to give him a vote of confidence ! ’
11 It is doubtless true that at bottom the behaviour of a motor car is to be explained in terms of interactions between fundamental particles .
12 It is true that in film the ‘ image ’ , however symbolically intended or perceived , is always ‘ literalised ’ by the medium itself .
13 It is true that in peacetime a large proportion of these ships were normally laid up and had their crews paid off : only when war was imminent or had broken out were they brought back into service .
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