Example sentences of "[adj] for [art] [noun] at " in BNC.

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1 She was due for a snack at three , followed by another blood-sugar reading , and Belinda had planned to spend the time until then reading up on some aspects of prenatal care that she felt hazy on .
2 For this reason they are often seen to be weak ; yet it is this very willingness of the subordinates to shift their own goals in order to preserve the harmony of the team that makes it possible for the group at the top of the hierarchy to perform at all .
3 It ought to be possible for the teacher at this stage to spot skill weaknesses , and to introduce activities designed to remedy them — activities of which the children can see the point .
4 As a result it would be possible for the French at some future date to renew their claim to sovereignty over Aquitaine , and for the English to do the same in respect of the crown of France .
5 But 3p off a litre of petrol will do little for the men at Ford who need their jobs .
6 Burton is your man for he has 500 for every game at the Arms Park and it is official
7 She sat bushy-tailed for the day at a table with two men , one her husband ( ‘ You 'd think I 'd know by now after thirty-eight years what he likes for his breakfast ’ ) , the other a distant cousin , I decided .
8 Personally , I am sorry for the upsets at the third Test in Manchester , but many of our players are very young and keen .
9 She always felt sorry for the children at the Ragged School and there seemed to be hundreds and hundreds of them .
10 Did you feel sorry for the animals at all ?
11 All too often , resort is made to the standard measures of housing deprivation which are easily available from the Census , without any apparent consideration of whether these are sufficiently specific for the purpose at hand .
12 With , as always , the important exception of the London trained bands , who formed a reserve several thousand strong for the troops at Finchley , no one felt much faith in the militia .
13 She 's only supposed to take that for a week at a time Tom .
14 The audience nodded , and Liz from the doorway nodded , for she had to admit that for the moment at least everything looked under control : pretty parsley-sprigged snacks awaited distribution , bottles of wine stood in attentive ranks , glasses were lined up , wiped and polished , piles of white napkins lay neatly folded in readiness .
15 A GAMBLE on Omidjoy , backed from 66-1 to 14-1 for the opener at Leicester yesterday , failed by the narrowest of margins when odds-on Fair Maid Of Kent got up again to lead on the line .
16 I want some for the erection at the side of the pool there .
17 Almost all seemed very ill suited for the job at hand , because it was impossible to prevent the force that cracked the shell from also crushing the nut .
18 ‘ It would be impracticable for the DoH at this stage to create a standing forum for residential care as whole .
19 Sir Michael , 56 , last month launched a biting attack on BBC chairman Duke Hussey , claiming he was too old for the job at 69 .
20 She might not know what was proper for a lady at Christmas time , but at least they did .
21 It is impossible for the business at that pub to be increased to such an extent , because it is a very small house .
22 At the Trooping of the Colour it is manifestly impossible for the troops at the back of the massed formations to understand any of the words uttered by the OC parade on the opposite side of Horse Guards .
23 In this situation it seemed appropriate for the staff at Perth College to offer educational opportunities which would parallel those available in other music fields .
24 We were early for the service at Chelsea Register Office , so we were riding along the Embankment .
25 I spent those final few hours extravagantly , staying the night at the Strand Palace Hotel for ten shillings for bed , bathroom and a cooked breakfast thrown in , with sixpence extra for a haircut at the hotel barber shop — three times as much as the Underground fare of twopence from Paddington to Trafalgar Square , where a Nippy served me at Lyons ' Corner House with a sirloin steak for a shilling .
26 The achievements are especially gratifying for a sector at first regarded as British Rail 's provincial Cinderella , obscure and ill-equipped .
27 It was customary for the group at the ICO to visit local corps a couple of times during their visit to Britain .
28 The equilibrium assumption allows us in effect to abstract from the determinants of investment — and the role of uncertainty , expectations , ‘ animal spirits ’ , etc. — but at the cost of assuming that disequilibrium phenomena are unimportant for the purpose at hand or are transitory .
29 Madhouse ( 15 ) did n't set cinema audiences on fire but good for a night at home .
30 I know Liverpool are returning from the land of the lost and Aston Villa are looking good for a shot at the title .
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