Example sentences of "[adj] for i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes Bentham is represented as having held a significantly different view from that just described , according to which an action which it is right for me to do at any moment is either one which produces a greater surplus of pleasure over pain than any alternative action then open to me ( in which case it is the one right action ) or produces as great a surplus as any alternative ( in which case it is a right action ) , while all actions not thus right are wrong .
2 In view of this , it would be no more than proper and right for me to talk in some in great detail about it , but I am not going to , and not just because I have an eye on the clock , or an ear for the protest of stomachs .
3 I guess it would n't be right for me to differ with him .
4 ‘ You find it odd for me to talk of fate , neh ? ’
5 I write with a strong sense of the necessity of continuing our — talk , and without premeditation , under the impression that you were indeed as much struck as I was by our quite extraordinary to ask if it would be possible for me to call on you , perhaps one day next week .
6 I had no way of telling what time it was , but surely it might soon be possible for me to escape from my desert island and make my way back to the cottage and a warm bed .
7 Unfortunately , in the absence of all the facts , it is not possible for me to comment on the individual case , nor would I wish to do so in a public forum .
8 It is normal for me to report to the Council 's Planning Committee the end of year disease statistics and any recommendations which might be necessary in line with the management strategy .
9 It is strictly unnecessary for me to deal with the issue of discretion which only arises if the court has power to rectify .
10 ‘ But both Graham and I knew it was impractical for me to continue in the job and remain as manager of Exeter . ’
11 ‘ Because arriving with you makes it easier for me to leave with you — to take you home , Maria . ’
12 Canan and her boss know exactly what to expect from each other : ‘ It 's far easier for me to work for another Turk because I can talk about pay rates and things like that more openly .
13 Ah computational modelling is easier for me to present to you but then the role of context might become more important so you can appreciate it , in which case I shall give you that first .
14 It 's not very interesting for me to waffle for two hours .
15 Do n't get me wrong , I like flashy bass playing and it would be wrong for me to sound as if I did n't approve ; it 's just that these kind of situations are always a trade-off .
16 ‘ It would be wrong for me to play in the Tests against Scotland and the All Blacks and captain the side and not be around when the guys go on tour .
17 The health service takes seriously the issues of confidentiality which surround the treatment of its patients , and it would be wrong for me to discuss in the House the details of Mr. Thorpe 's individual treatment .
18 Apparently , the flat had been previously inhabited by giants : I am tall for a woman , but all the shelves were too high for me to reach without standing on a stool .
19 ‘ My aunt lives in Hastings , so my bloody overprotective parents thought it would be OK for me to come to Sussex .
20 As the hon. Gentleman has said , Mrs. X has indicated that she may be taking proceedings further , so it would be most improper for me to go into too much detail on this case .
21 Obviously , the volume of data by making notes and by taperecording that I acquired made it sensible for me to concentrate on the one school rather than the other .
22 We do n't yet know what these are , but for reasons which it would n't be proper for me to go into we believe that we may know more about them in about a week .
23 ‘ I am bitterly disappointed , for Aunt Emily says that it would not be at all proper for me to come to Trelorne and that I was very wrong to let you think that I might .
24 It would not be proper for me to comment on individuals who may be trustees of that pension fund .
25 It was no less incongruous for me to live with my mother than it was for Syl to live with his , or Nour with Marie Claire .
26 He adds sadly : ‘ It 's impossible for me to go on a quiet date as I get recognised everywhere and asked for autographs . ’
27 Both the Ras and his wife appear to have been very anxious and nervous about the child , and I feel that it would be impossible for me to refuse without risking his friendship which will be of the utmost importance to us in the future .
28 " When you did me the honour of appointing me to the Mastership of Stockport School I was led to suppose that the Income , inclusive of Ten Pounds paid by your Worshipful Company , amounted to nearly Three Hundred Pounds per annum , and from an Enquiry , however , during my Residence here , I have had the Mortification to find that the whole Salary was not more than £25 10 10½d , so that it was impossible for me to remain in the Situation without a Prospect of Church Preferment in the Neighbourhood , which I have no reason to hope for .
29 There was often just too much for me to finish on my own .
30 Erm , I 'm not sure whether it would be appropriate for me to go through the the table now and look at the constraints , or whether it might be better to leave that until after I 've finished my overall remarks .
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