Example sentences of "[adj] for [adj] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The shock was greatest for those socialists who had believed the rhetoric of the International .
2 In school this progressive acquisition of domestic technology was taken for granted , and we felt sorry for those children who lagged behind .
3 You could begin to feel sorry for any humans who got in her way .
4 More recently , we have learnt to become grateful for robust programs which will do 95% of the work and leave the human being to make the decisive intervention in the other 5% of cases .
5 The software resides on four network servers , in two versions , 3.1+ for three dimensional modelling and 2.3 for older PCs which do n't have enough power to run the 3D version .
6 but Pete if he , I mean I do n't see why he does n't if he went private for two years he 'd make enough to retire , in two years , no sweat , he wo n't have to work again , I mean I bet his house is paid for
7 You also told me that for eleven years you were national coach and team manager to the United Arab Emirates .
8 One explanation for this may be that for many jobs it is high productivity which leads to low job satisfaction .
9 I suppose one of the things I use to demonstrate it most clearly is that for many years I s I gave lectures on communications and one of the things I used to say in those lectures was I did not know , and I was stressing that sense what came first if newspapers write stories in a particular way , because that is what the public wanted or do public want a particular type of story and that 's that newspapers round-up and I stopped posing that question when Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun because Rupert Murdoch bought the Melbourne Sun and introduced a lot of sex-type stories you know stories about brothels and madames whipping people and goodness knows what else and the sales rocketed and there we had almost a captive example of change in the design of change in the type of stories that were written and people , people were buying it and so you have an issue of you know that your content was actually being by what your readership wanted .
10 It is astonishing to think that in the forty-odd years after the invention of printing , no fewer than ninety-four editions came off the presses of Europe ; and that for four centuries there has been almost no year in which a new edition has not appeared in England .
11 Indeed , the implication of his resignation letter was that for five years there had been conflict at the very heart of the government that had precipitated the earlier resignations of Heseltine , Lawson and , in July 1990 , Nicholas Ridley , the Trade and industry Secretary ( the last after he had expressed intemperate views about Britain 's European partners that many observers believed the Prime Minister herself shared ) .
12 The headquarters engineering department found , however , that for new stations it had to take on many more staff , both to develop its limited expertise in generation design , and to fulfil its function of coordinating the work of the fourteen divisions to which generation operations and construction had been decentralised .
13 Does my right hon. Friend agree , however , that for 20 years he and his predecessors have pursued the will-of-the-wisp of power-sharing , devolved government ; and that , for as long as it is pursued , the IRA will believe , rightly or wrongly , that it will get us out in the end ?
14 The Moscow newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda suggested that one of the reasons why Pogosyan was resigning was that for several days he had been unable to secure an audience with Gorbachev to discuss developments in Armenia .
15 The Catch 22 problem was that for several years there had been few big headlines about fusion as no dramatic breakthroughs had been occurring .
16 And on 15 May , the morning of the Maurice debate , he recorded : ‘ We proceeded thus : S.B. — ’ You know , PM , that for ten years we have been trying to catch you deviating by an inch from the strict path of veracity and pin you down .
17 However , it may be that for bipolar disorders there is an inherited deficit , while for milder disorders the deficit may come about in other ways ( Akiskal , 1979 ) .
18 After that for some months I was unemployed .
19 The first , a matter of convenience and cost , was that for these figures we were able to rely in part on a large survey of lending rates published last year by Consumers ' Association ( Which ?
20 Meet at the Gatehouse , Cemetery Road at 14.00 for these walks which cost 1 with tea and biscuits included .
21 Readings such as that of Schüssler Fiorenza and Trible may make it easier for Christian women who are feminists to associate themselves with the Christian tradition .
22 We had gone prepared for any questions he might ask , together with all the official documents regarding planning permission etc. and a collection of excellent photographic evidence of how we had set up the museum regarding exhibits etc. , taken by our good friend Russell Mulford .
23 Although Symphonic Variations was not intended as a ritual , Ashton can be said to have used it as such for six dancers who were practising their art in the spacious simplicity of Sophie Fedorovitch 's décor .
24 Times are hard for chartered architects who sometimes ask ‘ What does the Institute do for me ? ’
25 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
26 When asked to talk through her technique , she appears reticent , suggesting that it is a little too simplistic and old-fashioned , perhaps too naive for those readers who have been to art school .
27 This book will be especially valuable for new researchers who are contemplating or starting peptide synthesis , but advanced undergraduates and those already experienced in the field will also find it interesting while newcomers will find a very valuable guide to the extensive bibliography of the subject .
28 While this is fine for short items it misses out the real benefits of stylesheets .
29 The consequence of that is , you have to ask yourself , okay , oedipal behaviour is fine for sexy sons them , but what about daughters ?
30 ‘ We always wanted to sponsor a guide dog and by the time you 've been married for 50 years you 've got everything you need and there 's no point in getting presents you do n't really need , ’ said Mr Lea .
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