Example sentences of "[adj] for [noun] [conj] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 It would be possible for Windows and its applications to store this information in a form that only they could read .
2 He was shocked by what had happened and genuinely sorry for Blyth and his parents .
3 This suggests that the alkaline phosphatase technique is more specific for PSC than their indirect immunofluorescent method .
4 It was easier for workers and their organisations to accept private property and industrial capitalism where economic inequity was not compounded by apparently hopeless social stratification .
5 I was now afraid for Eric and his safety , not just because he was a young man far from home , but also because I was in love with him .
6 Today the owners of the horse were unavailable for comment but their solicitor said that while they accepted the horse broke loose they do not accept liability and are disputing any claim the horse caused the boys ' injuries .
7 At the time of going to press , Turbosoft proprietors Peter and June McClusky are unavailable for comment and their whereabouts is unknown .
8 In the wake of the battle , things were very dangerous for Peden and his supporters ; the Dragoons had become even more ruthless and what were to become known as The Killing Times had begun .
9 But in January the Iraqi leader 's flat disdain for a diplomatic alternative made the start of the war to liberate Kuwait straightforward for America and its allies .
10 But not too much for James and his pal Andrew , for whom aftertaste should be the least of their worries .
11 Things have n't been easy for Nora since your father died . ’
12 This has been both resented and denied : resented , simply because courage is no longer a very fashionable part of virtue ; denied , in that some have said things are too easy for Frodo and his companions all through .
13 He looked miserable , as if his jeans were too tight for comfort and his jacket too thin for warmth .
14 11.20 : Left for Annexe where our part-time pupil and his class teacher are located .
15 THE biggest sporting deal in history might be good news for the football clubs who kick off the new Premier League but will it be good for soccer and its followers ?
16 ‘ It is great for players and their clubs when they are picked for their country .
17 Although that curriculum is often represented as diminishing teachers ' choices and initiatives , it is important for heads and their colleagues to note how matters of culture which have many facets can be handled alongside a national concern that schools should be more readily comparable with each other and should be readily accountable , not least in their pupils ' attainment levels .
18 We are available for work and our people will be going to work every day .
19 Mr Pink was not immediately available for comment but his solicitor , Robin Lewis , said : ‘ This is not a settlement , it is a concession .
20 A leaflet , which outlines the plans as a way of making the town a safer and better place is to be , is available for traders and their customers in the pedestrianised area .
21 It will now be essential for Sony and its allies to maintain the gathering momentum and to spread its influence as widely as possible if their impressive new platform is to become — as they hope and intend — the de facto world standard for electronic book publishing in the 1990s and beyond .
22 Six of 10 with only such small bowel involvement were below the third centile for height when their disease was recognised .
23 Their aim is to give busy men and women the freedom , as far as their hair is concerned , to take off at a moment 's notice without having to spend hours in front of the mirror — these beliefs have certainly proved successful for Ralph and his team .
24 Constitutional authorities are critical of the established constitution precisely because it has somehow allowed , and not limited , the emergence of the pattern of party politics and state intervention which they regard as so disastrous for Britain and her economy .
25 At first , this largely involved the search for loop-holes in central government legislation : if , for example , the rules suggested that future grant depended on spending in a particular year , then it was possible with little difficulty to prepare the accounts to show that spending had been higher or lower that year ( whichever was the required answer ) , More important , perhaps , as time went on , it become common for councils and their treasurers to seek new sources of funding which were not covered by the rules or were covered by different rules .
26 At the time of its first dispersal , however , the languages had sufficient in common for Cyril and his followers to be understood by the Moravians , who were subjects of Prince Rastislav .
27 Firstly it is inevitable and natural and quite proper that you should have a sympathy , in particular for Mrs and her children and .
28 That 's vital for patients and their families
29 That is the same for sleepers and their mates ,
30 After fourteen minutes , Paul Biddle went close for Milton as his corner went just over the bar .
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