Example sentences of "[adj] i [modal v] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 However , I think Steven Micklewright has summed up our concerns very ably , and there is little I can add at present .
2 I do not wish to know how to bring up my children , what view to have about drug addicts , how much Shakespeare should be taught in comprehensive schools or how much I must marvel at the achievements of members of the Commonwealth countries .
3 All I shall do at this stage is to give a summary of how I see effective religious education .
4 Rather than somebody as I say like me who sat down there and he 'd just quote all these figures and you would n't know what the hell he was on about and just , all you , all I would understand at the end is that 's what you got ta pay .
5 And all I could do at this terrible invasion was to rise and stand mutely , with my hands by my sides , staring up at this tremendous being — whom I now saw clearly for the first time .
6 I tried the clean channel ( channel 1 ) first and found that , good as its word , it remained clean , surviving all I could throw at it .
7 But all I can do at this moment in time is tell you where I stand today .
8 ‘ I thought a personal appeal to the Brotherhood for a relic for Shaftesbury Abbey would be much better than legal wrangling , and all I can say at present is that negotiations are going very well indeed , ’ said Mrs Rider last night .
9 All I can say at the moment is not less than about six hours , not more than a couple of days . "
10 ‘ That is all I can say at this stage , as these things take some time to arrange , ’ he said , adding : ‘ There is obviously a fair lot to do and it will take a few months . ’
11 I actually became interested , not so much in the women locally but my o , my own grandmother Greta , was a herring gutter from Wick I never knew her , I have one photograph of her taken with her two children , and when my children were small I used to look at this and think , how did she get away for weeks to work and follow the boats
12 But first I will look at some other changes in form , particularly those involving changes in shape in cell sheets , changes in contact , and cell migration .
13 In particular I shall look at the attempts of recent years to unearth other , female ( or feminine ) imagery , present in the scriptures and in the Christian tradition .
14 I do n't claim any great originality or depth , but it is the best I can do at the moment .
15 ‘ Yes , it was the best I could do at short notice . ’
16 It was a flimsy pretext and might not get me anywhere , but it was the best I could do at such short notice .
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