Example sentences of "[adj] that would have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 All that would have happened is that for some reason the Earth 's magnetic field would have reversed itself .
2 Swindle was too crude , for if the plan worked , no one would lose a penny ; all that would have happened was that a few banks would inadvertently have lent them money for an undefined period .
3 It 's hard hard to say how much that would have helped the situation out there I mean it definitely would have helped in some degree , but I mean there was still all the oil that was present on the platform in the separators except those which were left under pressure all that would have had to burn .
4 Well if he had X to the seventh that would have given him seven X to the sixth
5 It now seems likely that a ‘ joint list ’ of green candidates for local government posts will only be submitted in the Paris region , and the Alsace , An agreement reached in October 1982 that would have linked the Amis De La Terre ( AT ) , the Confederation Ecologiste and the Mouvement D'Ecologie Politique ( Now VPE ) disintegrated last month when it became clear that the VPE wanted to have a dominant say over its two partners .
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