Example sentences of "[adj] as he have [be] " in BNC.

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1 He seemed to hang suspended above the worshippers , his two tiny arms held out in front of him , and he was as still and quiet and calm as he had been when sitting at the Wilsons ' table or resting , alone , at the back of Class 1 .
2 Much as he wanted to , and much as he had been moved by her tears , he could not find it in him to forgive her .
3 Not as much as he had been in the studio , but he was here all the same .
4 For a split second Joseph looked as agitated as he had been on the Jonquil the day after the murder .
5 Sometimes he was angry as he 'd been when they had fought .
6 But Connon remained as cool and unmoved as he had been while listening to Hurst .
7 It was an awful place : dreary , badly furnished and he was n't as clean as he 'd been in hospital — food all down his clothes and he had n't shaved , he really looked unkempt .
8 Whatever the extent of his self-inflicted frailty , I 'd never seen him as good-tempered as he had been recently , or as nervously loquacious .
9 As she listened to Amsterdam she became more sure by the minute that Timothy was n't quite the same as he 'd been when he had left the house that morning .
10 I had kept him waiting for over an hour , though he was n't too annoyed as he had been able to retrieve three brand new titanium ice screws and a rope , left , we presumed , after an incident the night before when we had a helicopter hovering above the face .
11 ‘ What would he want a word about ? ’ she questioned hostilely , wanting him to be gentle as he had been that morning .
12 The Navaho Jospehites were all young , as young as he had been when he joined the Sons and painted his face to strike a blow at the heart of the white man 's world .
13 The writer was Ford Madox Ford , who was among the most loyal as he had been among the first of Pound 's friends ; in the twenties he was as penurious and as out of fashion as Pound .
14 Jessamy had been as overwhelmed as he had been , dazzled by the physical passion , and amazed that her own easygoing , relaxed attitude to life could be turned upside down by this one man .
15 Used as he had been in his youth to the drabs of the garrison towns , the Major nevertheless began courteously to disengage himself .
16 On their wedding night he was drunk , and she was affectionate and clinging , and it was as hopeless as he had been predicting to himself .
17 He was still as magnificent-looking as he had been when she was a child .
18 He added : ‘ Lee was outstanding as he has been all season .
19 The man was not as tall as he had been in the photograph , he stooped too much , but he was still a few inches taller than his wife .
20 The man replied no , but that as he had been born and brought up at Moor of Rannoch , he had every right to call himself Scot .
21 In his iron mug , on the privacy of his bunk , Holly had manufactured the pulp of papier-mâché as he had been taught to by his mother when he was a small boy .
22 James Kilpatrick had lost his share in the horse but he was well satisfied as he had been truly vindicated .
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