Example sentences of "[adj] as [pron] have [be] " in BNC.

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1 There have been as many ways of doing this as there have been ethnographic studies done .
2 I was so relieved to hear this as I had been canoeing many times before and so could remain warm and dry while watching many of the younger cadets freeze to death .
3 Then he spoke , his voice not quite as calm as it had been previously , the accent humming roughly in the depths of the tones .
4 He seemed to hang suspended above the worshippers , his two tiny arms held out in front of him , and he was as still and quiet and calm as he had been when sitting at the Wilsons ' table or resting , alone , at the back of Class 1 .
5 We were in fact quite wrong as there have been several alldigital recordings made by the firm That 's Entertainment Records prior to ours , with the English National Opera .
6 Improvement ensued under Tub LM1 ( again taken from a 5ml dropper bottle ) although the patient commented that the wheeziness was n't as clear as it had been on the first Phosphorus .
7 Not as high as they have been but they range from thirteen eighty five to fourteen forty .
8 Although the number of recorded offences in that decade was not as high as it had been in the 1950s it is nevertheless an important trend .
9 ‘ All groups have said we will review it in September and there is a general feeling that the charge should not have been set as high as it has been . ’
10 For instance , Yadin Dudai in Jerusalem , amongst others , has exploited the behavioural and biochemical possibilities opened up by mutations amongst fruit flies ; for him and some other neurobiologists Drosophila has become as popular as it has been for most of this century for geneticists .
11 Nor could the academic organization of the schools remain as rudimentary as it had been : communication and management would not just ‘ happen ’ in schools of a thousand pupils or more , and the stream of curriculum innovation needed to be carefully channelled — especially in a system where each school enjoyed considerable freedom in choosing patterns of study and teaching methods .
12 Secondly , the raising of the school leaving age in 1947 meant that the difference between types of secondary schooling was not so marked as it had been .
13 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
14 I found your motherboard upgrade article most interesting as I have been thinking of upgrading my XT , but I had not bargained for changing the keyboard as I have a 102 key board ( no XT/AT switch ) .
15 Considerably more work will be required to investigate this possibility , but it is particularly intriguing as it has been suggested that sorghum and millet were domesticated somewhere in the African savannah zone .
16 They were unfortunate in that batting conditions for them were not as favourable as they had been for the West Indians .
17 Encouraged by the pride of the town authorities , the Guy Fawkes celebrations provided an annual explosion for the town 's poor : deprived as they had been of saints ' days with the advent of Puritanism , they came from the miserable hovels cramped in the town 's back alleys to protest not only against the symbols of oppression but also , in bad years , against the local oligarchy .
18 But at least a dream of empire was not as impossible as it had been in 1558 .
19 For the first four years of the new school 's existence the buildings were used much as they had been prior to amalgamation , but in 1974 organisation was rationalised to provide departmental areas with teaching rooms and adjacent resource bases .
20 SOON THEY BECAME VERY MUCH AS IT HAD BEEN BEFORE THEIR separation , except that Gina was a little more violent .
21 It was all much as it had been the first time , only evening instead of morning ; and Emily stood by herself as before , and now he knew why , wearing his ring on another finger .
22 The announcement came as no great surprise ; except in as much as it had been thought the family might hold back in the lifetime of Sir John .
23 Much as he wanted to , and much as he had been moved by her tears , he could not find it in him to forgive her .
24 Not as much as he had been in the studio , but he was here all the same .
25 I have n't been to Heathrow as much as I 'd been to Gatwick
26 The following morning , accompanied at Aunt Emily 's command by a trembling Lyddy who was sure she was going to the very mouth of Hades , Alexandra was driven out to Trelorne , dressed very much as she had been when she trespassed along the shore .
27 For a split second Joseph looked as agitated as he had been on the Jonquil the day after the murder .
28 Although quite a few had subsequently been dismissed , both Braithwaite and Colclough having had their spies in the Chartist ranks , men who had sung those Chartist hymns about freedom and justice the loudest as they had been memorizing names and faces to sell afterwards to Uriah and Ben .
29 It 's tremendous as it 's been dry for 10 years .
30 If only more members of the public were as cooperative as you have been , our life would be a lot easier . ’
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