Example sentences of "[adj] but also [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Churchill himself was interested not only in this but also in the wider implications of nuclear developments in the 1950s .
2 This is true not only for ageing but also for the onset of disabilities ( see Chapter 7 ) .
3 In 1987 he returned to the UK not only with fluency in Japanese but also with a Japanese wife , Nako .
4 ‘ Discuss , with reference to at least two plays , how tragedy can be enacted not only upon the individual but also upon a family ’
5 The second , the Green movement , is a very widely based and variegated collection of individuals and groups that includes those on the fringes of the global capitalist system as well as some who are fundamentally opposed to it , mainly from the libertarian left but also from the authoritarian right .
6 It must be regarded as extremely probable that Oswiu was able to seek help in the confrontation with Penda not only from the Scots but also from the Picts , possibly even from the Irish ( see also below , p. 99 ) .
7 In addition , it is the young old — those in their sixties and seventies — who play a major part , disproportionate to their numbers , in the maintenance of voluntary organizations which contribute not only to the welfare of the disadvantaged but also to the cultural activities of the country at large .
8 The move up to verse can be made for the exit of a person from a lower but also for the entrance of one from a higher rank .
9 For much of 1981 we were running not only behind Labour but also behind the alliance formed by the Liberals and the newly created Social Democratic Party of David Owen , Bill Rodgers , Shirley Williams and Roy Jenkins .
10 The offence is committed not just by a trader who supplies consumer goods that are not reasonably safe but also by a trader who agrees or offers to supply them or exposes or possesses them for supply .
11 Lord Goff , dismissing the Crown 's appeal , said the case was of importance not only to the parties concerned but also for the future of the law of restitution .
12 More persuasively , it has to be borne in mind that these are passages which need to be read in the context not only of the cases in which they were concerned but also of the judgments as a whole .
13 A range of studies have demonstrated the vitality of the parent-child tie , sustained not only by visiting but also by a flow of assistance of various kinds in both directions .
14 They emerged dry-eyed but also with a dry heart .
15 The General and Municipal union 's white collar section ( MATSA ) has started an experimental recruitment campaign aimed not just at " non-standard " workers who are part-time and temporary but also at the self-employed .
16 These words , which reflect what was said by Sir George Jessel M.R. in 1879 , seem to be wholly consistent not just with the wording of section 236 but also with the purposes of the administration as set out in section 8(3) of the Act of 1986 and in particular :
17 The effect of NO synthase inhibition was not only indicated by an increase in the maximal response induced by CCK-8 but also by a prolonged duration of the response .
18 The demand for imported goods by the USA has been sustained not only by the growth of incomes during the economic expansion since 1982 but also by the considerable appreciation of the US dollar in foreign exchange markets between 1979 and 1985 ( the depreciation of the dollar beginning in March 1985 ) .
19 It does give an insight into the nature of the American but also to the value , indeed the commercial value , of head-to-head play .
20 When the twelfth-century bard , Cynddelw , recalled ‘ the clash of Powys … with Oswald ’ , he was looking back on an episode which had considerable significance not only for the Welsh but also for the Mercians .
21 Second , the connection between the national curriculum and assessment at Key Stages Two and Three ought to show an understandable link not only with work at Key Stage Four but also with the examinations and qualifications which are either directly relevant to the final stage of compulsory schooling or into which work at that level immediately leads .
22 Suffice to suggest that the ego -experienced world of the Sonnets , despite the enormous time devoted to the Thou , creates what is essentially a single vision , a self-dedication to the other , which in effect results in an exposure and analysis , not only of the other but also of the self .
23 The age structure of the West Indian and Asian communities differs not only from each other but also from the general population .
24 They give little attention not only to how it is understood and experienced but also to the relations between bureaucracies and elected politicians .
25 How successful such efforts will prove to be will not only depend on commercial sales potential but also on the costs which will be incurred in laboratory and field testing procedures , similar to those discussed in relation to crop protection chemicals in section 6.4 , which are necessary for registration .
26 But there is the mar there is considerable potential for flexibility in the policy and that would be determined my local planning authorities in the light of P P G seven but also in the light of er local circumstances and conditions which is quite right and proper .
27 The global success not only of Japanese enterprise in the 1980s but also of the other NICs of East Asia has been seen by some commentators such as Blunt ( 1989 : 21 ) as a spur to the renaissance of studies of effective leadership in recent times .
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