Example sentences of "[adj] to be [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Er and it was much easier to be living on the premises , that 's what we felt at the time .
2 Are you willing to be loving towards yourself and others , to seek love by being love , rather than waiting for others to love you first ?
3 I feel that once parents begin to become too aware of norms , they worry , and therefore unless a child is grossly out of sync , if you like , with their peers , I would n't say it would matter , but yes , one would expect a three year old to be talking at one extreme .
4 I feel that once parents begin to become too aware of norms , they worry , and therefore unless a child is grossly out of sync , if you like , with their peers , I would n't say it would matter , but yes , one would expect a three year old to be talking at one extreme .
5 It was painful to be looking at her , her face open , a tired and unfrightened girl .
6 Endill was relieved to be starting on his plane .
7 But you are fortunate to be writing in English .
8 You are fortunate to be writing in English as it has a vocabulary of over half a million words — over five times as many as French .
9 We are fortunate to be working in a part of the Group which has the opportunity to expand its activities , both in existing markets and into new ones .
10 Alexander seemed not so much to be moving in the direction of reform as to be making the achievement of emancipation more difficult .
11 ‘ But my chairman and vice-chairman have given me another year 's contract , and I 'm absolutely delighted to be staying at Nottingham Forest .
12 Director of Progressive Training , says , ‘ We are delighted to be working with the HCIMA , since both our organisations are committed to improving professional standards within the industry .
13 THORN EMI , the evening 's sponsor , is a corporate member of Save the Children and as such is delighted to be working in partnership with Save the Children and the Royal Horticultural Society to create a spectacular evening aiming to raise over £½ million .
14 The Orion Quartet , now well known to audiences throughout Northern Ireland for their recitals and evening ‘ Soirees ’ , are delighted to be returning to Bangor with another ‘ MUSIC BOX ’ series featuring guest players from the Ulster Orchestra .
15 Her various leadership positions had already given her opportunity to meet people of power and influence , but she was not so blase that she was n't delighted to be going to Buckingham Palace .
16 My daughter , who was six years old at the time , was delighted to be sleeping in Mummy 's bed and I was delighted to have her with me .
17 It 's a little early to be thinking about the terms of surrender . ’
18 A bit early to be thinking about Christmas is n't it ?
19 N we ourselves have just started to put together our first thoughts on it in advance of receiving that advice , but clearly it 's much to early to be coming to getting the conclusions as to what that g guidance will eventually contain .
20 They are not in the least bit discerning and I 'm glad to be hearing about it second-hand .
21 Glad to be living in the past
22 He always got up immediately and seemed very glad to be fighting in the correct manner .
23 Paul left for the north again with a light heart , aware of surprise that he should be so glad to be returning after arriving , at first , so unwillingly .
24 Mr Keegan , 47 , said : ‘ It will be an enormous emotional strain on us but we are glad to be going at last .
25 After dinner Mr and Mrs Webster retired to the ‘ Front Room ’ to sleep off the meal , and I was glad to be going on evening watch , which I believed would help to dispel my sense of isolation .
26 He 's supposed to be staying at a children 's home , but he spent last night in police cells after being arrested for the thirtieth time — for breaching bail conditions .
27 Oh well we d did n't know if we were supposed to be congregating with rest of the people , or what so we just wandered we wandered down the hall
28 ‘ Well , I 'm supposed to be reporting to the principal medical officer in the ship 's hospital . ’
29 There was a section at the top of Act Two where Joyce is supposed to be auditioning for some American producers .
30 ‘ You boys are supposed to be helping with the washing up , ’ said Mrs Crumwallis , in the tones of an aggrieved crow .
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