Example sentences of "[adj] have [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This has to some extent demonstrated the pivotal role the DM will play even in an enlarged ERM which includes sterling .
2 In recent years , however , the Child Poverty Action Group has made considerable use of judicial review as a way of attacking what they see as faults in the social security system , and this has to some extent overcome the barriers to the use of judicial review in this area .
3 ‘ Obviously I think about it , every East German has at some time thought about it , or still does .
4 When children were engaged in sustained collaborative activity in pairs or groups , this had in most cases been initiated by themselves , albeit with the teacher 's blessing .
5 It must be said that in Britain the new public library authorities created in 1972 have in many cases failed to capitalize on the opportunities for better stock provision which the larger units were supposedly able to achieve .
6 1984 has for some time been identified as an important milestone in the twentieth century .
7 It is not always easy to predict just what problems a particular group of learners is likely to have with any materials .
8 It points to the impact that the findings of global environmental research are likely to have on most sectors of the UK economy .
9 For adult offenders these had for many years been confined to absolute or conditional discharges , fines and probation orders .
10 All of these have at some time commanded the Empire 's armies .
11 Rut these have to some extent been inferred from the discrete geographical distribution of each kingdom 's coinage .
12 Among the terrestrial channels , Channel 4 has in any case taken on the mantle of the senator for adult-intelligent viewing : in other words , the place where you can watch randily beneath a thinnish veneer of knowledge and a deeper understanding of self .
13 The latter has for many years been the preference of the majority of established practitioners : according to a recent Law Society survey , almost 75 per cent of solicitors in practice are equity partners in a firm .
14 I now noted that the latter had on each hand only three fingers and a thumb , and only four toes on each foot , in the manner of the monkeys we had come across in another existence .
15 Having done that we then talked about the problem that we all have on these sorts of occasions which is the problem of nerves and we talked about the symptoms of dry voice and the shaking limbs the the wonky voice and the reasons why we have er these nerves and we also talked about the causes of the the primitive instinct of fight or flight er how we get get our body ready to handle this unusual situation .
16 Our interpretation is that gas-phase HNO 3 has by that time been sequestered in the condensed phase by heterogeneous reactions on polar stratospheric cloud surfaces , forming nitric acid trihydrate as temperatures fell below 196K in winter It is probable that a substantial fraction of nitric acid has not only been lost from the gas phase , but also removed from the stratosphere by the growth and subsequent sedimentation of aerosol particles .
17 She also read the message in italics printed beneath the cartoon , to the effect that the cartoonist responsible had for many years been officially connected with a provincial newspaper and was now , in the sunset of his life , himself the recipient of twice-weekly Meals on Wheels .
18 The Club is proud to have as this year 's President Sue Locke , the first woman President in the Club 's history .
19 By stressing superiority of the competitive as opposed to the collaborative , the individual as against the collective , the private as compared to the public and by elevating profitability to at times the sole criterion of success , they have created an economic framework where the survival of the fittest has in many cases come to mean the survival of those who are best at avoiding controls on their activities without being caught .
20 They point out , for example , that Japanese companies in particular have for some time been making strenuous efforts to recruit labour which is not so much cheap but flexible and prepared to work hard for the company in question .
21 Enthusiastic attempts to drain wetlands throughout the 1970s and early 1980s have in many cases failed to produce the high-quality farmland which was the object of these expensive exercises .
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