Example sentences of "[adj] in [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I had certainly never seen entertainment like this in any of the countries I had visited before .
2 Much of the domestic news was different in these from the London editions .
3 The pattern is very different in some of the minority cultures represented in the British Isles .
4 This becomes quite clear in some of the significant details of Schleiermacher 's account .
5 There 's nothing wrong in that for the new faces , without exception , are all food consumers .
6 Though Ealing itself doubled in size between 1861 and 1871 and grew by over half in each of the two following decades , the first of these increases can hardly have been the result of the railway services although the later ones may have been .
7 You may now be thinking about what sorts of jobs you could do if you score high in any of the areas that we 've mentioned .
8 Temperatures were so high in some of the deep mines that the ‘ tinners ’ had to be sprayed with cold water while they worked in the dark with candles fixed to their helmets .
9 On closer examination , however , it emerges that the Soviet Union is self-sufficient in many of the traditional Latin American primary exports and indeed is exporting some of them in competition with Latin American supplies .
10 Although it has since been modified and greater attention paid to radio , it is still manifest in some of the Government 's actions in the field of mass communication .
11 ‘ Are you particularly interested in any of the topics ? ’
12 If you are interested in any of the above please write to City Varieties , or telephone ( 0532 ) 425045 .
13 Those interested in any of the above three films should phone DD Distribution on London 081–863–8819 .
14 The English mystics , indeed , were interested in some of the issues that would later exercise the Reformers .
15 Since then she has written to tell us of her first reply and we thought you 'd also be interested in some of the suggestions that came in , including Dee Murton 's account of the origin of these cardboard cones which was news to us .
16 The floor was covered by a large mosaic and I was really getting interested in some of the antics of the guys with beards who were scattered all over it , when I heard the tap-tap of her feet in the distance together with a heavier , more measured tread .
17 It will be quite some time before all your suggestions are processed in details but I know you will be interested in some of the preliminary findings .
18 With 800–900 of Switzerland 's 2300 professors due to retire before the end of the decade , the Swiss have taken a leaf out of Britain 's book and set up a scheme for appointing ‘ new blood ’ assistant professors at the rate of 300 in each of the next two four-year planning periods .
19 Assessment is by six essays ( 2 in each of the 3 courses chosen ) and by dissertation .
20 However in England , the evidential burden on the prosecution may not be any greater than it is under Categories 1 and 2 in many of the situations which they cover , for , as Glanville Williams has pointed out : ‘ If the prosecution gives evidence that violence was used , this should be enough to discharge the evidential burden on the issue of consent and take the case to the jury …
21 As such , it is normally a benevolent deity ; and , indeed , is perceived as such in much of the myth and literature of the solar cults .
22 Locate these fittings central in each of the sail cutouts , and check that they are horizontal once the sail is tensioned .
23 Lady Amory 's reaction to this was a mixture of sadness and the old excitement : ‘ We 're very fortunate in that in the near part of the wood garden we 've been able to grass over and you would n't realise the number of big trees that have come down .
24 ‘ We 've been very fortunate in most of the families of new residents when they take them out , they often take out their friends as well .
25 An over-extreme view of what counts as data for the sentence-grammarian was , according to Sampson ( 1980 ) , noticeable in some of the early work of generative grammarians .
26 Mr Bagnall described business this year as ‘ hesitant but improving ’ , with the improvement particularly noticeable in some of the southern shops .
27 This means that the ‘ same ’ cell can be studied in preparation after preparation , its connections and the effects of stimulating or excising it followed in detail — something that is quite impossible in any of the organisms yet discussed in this chapter ( Figure 7.5 ) .
28 The old nucleus is still visible in many of the rural settlements .
29 The aspirations of those who wished to improve the lot of the rural sector became tied to wider political issues , and extremist agrarianists were prominent in some of the violent incidents of the early 1930s .
30 The bars here are unique in that unlike the rest of ‘ puritan ’ Germany , they only close for an hour a day to let the cleaners in ( many bars even pour drink through a loophole by cleaning half the bar at a time — prost ! )
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