Example sentences of "[adj] in [noun] [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 It was perhaps with this in mind that they decided to spread the only rewards that the Government was likely to confer on the architects for all their work across as wide a field as was possible .
2 The authors of the Arkleton Trust publication seem to have this in mind when they state : —
3 CMJ must surely have had this in mind when they invited the Reverend Jesse Jackson to address the convention a mere four days before the country went to the polls .
4 The two partners , so different in character that they were respectively known by their employees as ‘ Oil ’ ( Bridge ) and ‘ Vinegar ’ , worked tirelessly to place the business at the forefront of their trade .
5 Last August Australia sent three naval ships to the Gulf ; Bob Hawke , the prime minister , made it clear in December that they would be put under American operational control and could well see combat .
6 The ESC , however , threatened to stay away from the Civic in future if they had to make up the lost revenue .
7 Well this to , to photograph anything , this just happens to be a camera and I suppose that would appeal to a lot of camera collectors to people that I er er who I work with , people I know , friends and that , they know I 'm interested in photography and they always ask me about cameras
8 I 'm only interested in evidence and they ca n't produce any evidence to spoil my character . ’
9 ‘ However , I think the large institutional investors , who make up the lion 's share of the market , will be interested in NIE if they see there will be a good return . ’
10 Oh no , no , no , not at all af after the war work it , it just seemed to er no one ever seemed to get any be interested in flying as they were pre-war then , or they probably that they had cars and they could get about more you know to other outlying places like Pentiford in Wolverhampton
11 Unless the United Nations peacekeepers proved very much tougher in Serbia than they have done in Croatia , that would have made it unlikely that Croats and Muslims would have felt secure enough to return to their former homes .
12 Go on with your maps for a minute she said to the second form who were glancing at one another in astonishment as they heard the noise from the first form room .
13 The first deals with the reasons of the ( apparent ) diminution of objects as they recede from the eye , and is known as Perspective of Diminution : the second contains the way colours vary as they recede from the eye : the third and last explains how objects should appear less distinct in proportion as they are more remote .
14 I 'm not saying it 's one that the tribunal should have accepted , but , but , but what I 'm saying is th there is an element of psychological truth in that , because if Freud 's theories if er bond Freud theory group behaviour is correct , then that does seem to happen some extent that the leader as it were takes and presumably this is why some people erm presumably er feel better in groups , perhaps that they get something out of a group that their own ego can not provide , but other people are uncomfortable in groups because they feel that their ego is being alienated and they 're losing some of their some of their power .
15 Sometimes the new couple themselves are so much in love that they have unreasonably high expectations for the whole new family that will be formed .
16 In Britain pressure groups are probably just as much in evidence as they are in the United States .
17 It is the reason why people do not invest as much in training as they should .
18 Everything was perfect in Delhi when they were ruling .
19 They wanted any interim government to be as Burmese in composition as they could secure from HMG .
20 What are possibly the rubbish heaps of Our Mutual Friend loomed even larger in fact than they do in fiction .
21 Like , we know people in Cork who are still influenced by Sid Vicious — they were good in school and they had brains and all that , but now … ‘
22 My mother was still unconscious in hospital and they could n't tell me when or if she might recover .
23 Batsford 's resin-based products also look far better in water than they do out .
24 Neighbours are useful in emergencies and they provide help in countless small ways , such as shopping , taking in deliveries , admitting tradesmen , providing transport and looking after each other 's children for short periods .
25 Shreeves ' side have another day 's advantage on the other British teams involved in Europe as they do n't meet Porto in their second round second leg tie until Thursday night .
26 Characters are most frequently involved in actions as they actively or passively deserve .
27 Families feel very rejected by professionals erm , in my research I 've found that er , the families of younger sufferers tend to be involved in treatment but they feel very much that they 're under the microscope , that they disapprove , that they 're seen as being pathological families .
28 Only some large religious or political issue would induce people to take the very considerable step involved in emigration if they had any established position to keep them in England — younger sons , the poor , and those with nothing to lose might easily be more ready to travel , if they could get the financial backing needed , or were willing to go as indentured labourers .
29 Parents allow children to be involved in prostitution because they bring in money .
30 So may , you may have a bay for example that 's in an area where all the rivers draining into it are rich in copper because they 're running over rocks which are copper .
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