Example sentences of "[adj] and [vb past] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was warm and sprang to life immediately .
2 Hatch resigned his appointment in 1892 and went to work as a mining engineer in Johannesburg .
3 Norm would sit watching TV , she would glance up at it and back at her book , but he tired early and went to bed .
4 Father and son , he reported , kissed each other as usual and went to sleep in their separate bivouacs .
5 I conceded to that and went to university , and of course your whole life changes then .
6 " So I pretended to be ill and went to bed .
7 Many years ago , supermarket bread acquired a reputation which has proved almost impossible to shake off ; any colour you like as long as it is white , and probably thin sliced and steamed to boot .
8 Peckham graduated from Cambridge in 1960 and went to University College Hospital in London , where he worked with Gwen Hilton .
9 In 1834 , the pseudonymous Paul Pry observed of Coleman , now ‘ stricken with years ’ , that ‘ Time has laid his temples bare And turned to white his once dark hair . ’
10 Largely as a result of machinations and pressure by the king of France , the Order of Knights Templar was subjected to papal scrutiny in 1308 and condemned to dissolution in 1312 .
11 He left the Empress Works in 1911 and went to work for Norman Crossland , as mechanic in charge .
12 A recent offender makes its intentions of arousing morbid curiosity perfectly clear on its front cover , proclaiming ‘ 30,000 people burned , boiled and suffocated to death ’ , ‘ A whole thriving city levelled to the ground in seconds ’ , and ‘ The world best-selling account of one day when the earth exploded ’ .
13 Seeing there are three of you , it would make sense if I made a fourth and helped to leg . ’
14 His companion was the same man grown older and turned to stone .
15 This is a means whereby analogue signals like guitar , vocals etc. can be converted to digital and inputted to computer storage , to be sequenced and looped or whatever digital hocus pocus takes your fancy .
16 ‘ The kids were uninhibited and came to music very fresh .
17 ’ His ‘ instant portrait ’ — on the accuracy of which he prided himself enormously — was that the client was most likely a starter , could very well be a married man , children off his hands , time on his hands , going back to his own public school days ( the velvet collar on the overcoat was a giveaway ) and the boys will be boys bit or just realized very late that what he really fancied was a bit of the other and had to wallet to get it .
18 The best Guide Book was written by Thomas West , who was born in about 1717 and went to school in Edinburgh .
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