Example sentences of "[adj] and [pers pn] think i " in BNC.

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1 But I was young and Scottish and I thought I was the greatest .
2 I have thought a long time about this and I think I know the answer .
3 ‘ I should also have recognised I was being unrealistic and I think I did , ’ Vitor went on .
4 and it was quite tasty and I thought I 'd stick it in there
5 I need my dream , I 've got to have it — like I had to have that fairy-and-goblin curtain material when I was about six and I thought I 'd die when Mum said No , we must have the blue flowery material because it would outlast my six-year-old fairy-and-goblin phase .
6 go down and meet the bus so we 're sat there now ten past eleven and I thought I hope we have n't missed it now and she 's walked up , she 's standing out the door cos I 'd locked the door .
7 They said that was n't possible and I think I 'm the same opinion as Harry if you 're writing off and stop them going down Station Lane they 'll probably withdraw it altogether .
8 actually no that was the night she was really pissed off because erm people were paying more attention to me than they were to her , I do n't know why , it 's because I decide that I 'm gon na be really outgoing and I really do and I was really loud and really boisterous and she 's quite resigned like that and she thought I sh bit shagged off with me and then like I was doing , there was this really good looking bloke and he was like we , we 'd given each other eyes over the bar in this pub and Lottie goes well if you do n't hurry up with him I 'm gon na go and have him , if you do n't hurry up , you know , and just like marched over I said Charlotte give me a break
9 Well I looked at that and I thought I thought well I 'm , I 'm sure it 's quarter to and checked on mine .
10 It 's so funny it 's real entertainment someone at the Tate said er , you know when I told them I bought the bird bath , they said you will have lots of pleasure with that and I think I have .
11 and words are put clear and strong and I think I 'd use the word forceful
12 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
13 and , , and they felt really bad apparently and they 'd apologized , you know , and everything was cool and I thought I was quite adamant though but they 'd , they , I 'm not used to this , you know , I 'm quite naive as Zoey says and I 'm not used to boys
14 Me own stuff was all ragged and I thought I might as well nick something decent , it 'elps a girl , knowing she 's dressed decent . ’
15 I 'm 5 foot 10 inches and size 16 and I think I 'd look pretty silly if I weighed much less .
16 Bloody three ninety nine for that one and I think I paid five ninety nine for that .
17 She said : ‘ One day I was standing here doing nothing in particular and I thought I could write a book about all that happens .
18 Actually I was cos I I had the back door open and I thought I 'll just leave it and if he wants to come in he can and I poured him a a bit of a drink of milk and er , then I went in the kit , in the bathroom and the door was still open and then suddenly I thought God I wonder where he was ?
19 ‘ But the one I really want is your Open and I think I can do it .
20 ‘ The scene is wide open and I think I 'm reaching my peak now .
21 ‘ I might not be the youngest candidate but I 'm the most experienced and I think I have the most energy , ’ he says .
22 ‘ After all , I only want a bit of peace and quiet and I think I am entitled to that ! ’
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