Example sentences of "[adj] and i [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And my hands were going like this and I looked at my clock and it was about six o'clock and it was still pitch black because it jump back into bed .
2 I did well , I had hundred pound in me purse last night till Steve says can I have me pocket money and can I have me petrol and can I have this and I paid for coal and I 've got forty .
3 We conducted a two year study to assess the effectiveness of the family smoking education and smoking and me projects in influencing smoking behaviour .
4 Unfortunately the op went wrong and I had to be readmitted .
5 Ken thought he had got the idea of the play all wrong and I think in that I have to agree with Ken .
6 ‘ He left when I was 12 and I ran into him once .
7 ‘ My father retired when I was 10 years old and I started in 1980 . ’
8 The arrow tip came free and I lay on my side in frightful suffering weakness , looking down at a sharp black point sticking out from scarlet wool .
9 sixty-four And I giggled at Problem Page
10 Every time I get the hang of an idea it suddenly turns into something different and I turn into a fool !
11 Colleagues , this is simply not acceptable and I call on Congress to support this resolution and instruct the E C to raise the matter in the proper government departments .
12 Everybody was drinking too much and I felt like a Mother Superior at the bottle factory outing .
13 ‘ I finished early and I called at the library for you .
14 The rest was easy and I got to within a hundred yards .
15 I started at half past six and I worked until two o'clock in the morning .
16 Afterwards , as the sparse crowd emerged blinking , Pavic and I sat at our tables piled with books .
17 But I 'm heavier and I wade with them upstream ,
18 My hon. Friend is entirely right and I agree with him .
19 The hon. Gentleman is absolutely right and I agree with every word he says .
20 Yeah Carrie went and as she , as she left he patted her on the bum which is , you know , a bit friendly and I said to Jess well look , put it this way , cos she 's really , she flirts a lot
21 The horse was led back to its stable and I walked to the far end of the house , where there was a lawn of coarse-bladed grass , brown with the heat , some exotic-looking flowers in a stony border , and cushioned garden chairs standing bright in the dappled shade of what looked like a cherry tree .
22 And he said well I 'm pretty sure , but he said fifty , fifty and I said to him , well I said you know , you think about it but I 'd already , sort of , made up my mind that I was n't gon na , sort of , next year anyway
23 ‘ I am 32 and I live with my fiancé .
24 No , I make that so discreet and I said to them , on your bloody squeak on ours .
25 one night when Paul came up and I was n't asleep and I saw like this bright light
26 Everything went on as normal and I tried to be as pleasant as I could and as loving towards Anne as I had always been , but she must have noticed that a part of me was absent : simply somewhere else .
27 Er the speed they come out of that bend is unbelievable and I speak from experience Madam Chairman because my daughter lives on that very corner where the bend is and er
28 He lingers over that and I wait for him to ask why I was visiting a Communist state .
29 so I 've put that away , I , it ai n't even in my account , Alan 's got that and I said to Alan if I pass this test I shall buy a banger , five hundred quid with this tax money and then put the odd to insurance , if I do n't I 'll leave it where it is , because I , I mean little one will want a holiday and that anyway so I 've kept it for that , but that 's what I intend to do , so I said to Alan if I get a little banger just enough to get me to Tettering and back I was gon na go tech , to do some courses
30 That and I said to Geoff what 's D O B ?
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