Example sentences of "[adj] and [pron] made [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 He slapped her hard and it made her head jerk back .
2 Outside , there had been occasional patches of light from the street-lamps , but in here , among the buildings , there was no light at all and he made his way uncertainly , groping through the darkness .
3 I had a ‘ Dutch boy ’ haircut when I was 13 and it made my face look really huge .
4 He was all right financially — he had always been shrewd and he made his money in days when the Inland Revenue had allowed people to keep some of it — but his prospects of regaining his former place in the public 's esteem seemed negligible .
5 One firm offered them forty five , four hundred and fifty thousand pounds , I said I wanted three hundred thousand , cos I done a lot of repair , a lot of renovating , and I made the bar open and I made my money through selling drink and getting in entertainment .
6 But she had been frightened and it made her angry with Albert .
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