Example sentences of "[adj] of [noun] [conj] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Such an environment is free of time-cues but is inhospitable because of its climate .
2 The duplication encompasses at least several tens of kilobases and is likely to extend beyond the immediate boundaries defined by the YAC clones yA4C5 and yA136E7 .
3 The CLAWS tagset used for tagging the LOB corpus is very similar to that of TAGGIT but is somewhat larger with 134 tags to achieve greater delicacy of analysis while preserving compatibility with the Brown corpus ( Johansson et al , 1986 ) .
4 Argentine officials have asked the NASA space agency to help locate an oil slick which has killed hundreds of birds and is threatening one of the world 's largest penguin reserves .
5 The spread of readily available and simple means of contraception has meant that the wife is less likely to spend much of her life in the bearing and rearing of children and is more likely to seek employment outside the home , thereby developing a source of income and interests outside her traditionally defined role : ‘ … in Britain the proportion of all wives in paid work went up from 10 per cent in 1911 ( as it remained in 1931 ) to 26 per cent in 1951 and 42 per cent in 1971 ’ ( Young and Willmott , 1975 , p. 101 ) .
6 It has the loveliest of gardens and is situated in the residential area of Sorrento known as Sant' Agnello .
7 Further sequencing should reveal if a B.subtilis analogue of sbcC exists downstream of sbcD as is the case in E.coli .
8 The variations in papal power and support are so crucial to an understanding of Barbarossa 's reign that the summary of papal allegiances included is worthy of study and is useful in following the complex developments .
9 Are these erm inclusive of VAT or is there no VAT on advertising any more ?
10 However , the company headed by chairman Paddy Owens , is confident of success and is willing to let its money do the talking .
11 It is independent of Government and is formulated by researchers who are anxious to establish the truth , because without those facts we can not deploy the resources effectively .
12 It is full of flavour and is a convenient and extremely versatile food .
13 Is that because it 's full of chalk or is it cos
14 Joined on the first of June and is each other initially to and also as a general of what goes on .
15 The mood is one of joy as is the dream ,
16 ( Remember that the event horizon is the path in space-time of light that is trying to escape from the black hole , and nothing can travel faster than light . )
17 Spunk accepts a glass or two of firewater and is led to the sack , where he proceeds to give her the pasting of a lifetime .
18 If you 've got any doubts get in touch with your local fire safety officer and he will come along and er waylay any problems that you may have and he will indeed er give you the best of advice that 's available .
19 But one child I know caught his parents prowling around with stockings at the dead of night and is now impressing upon his little pals that the whole thing is a con .
20 Labour Councillors have set up over a hundred new Council Committee meetings , an extra six hundred meetings a year , and the hundreds of thousands of pounds that is gon na cost the people of , not the community charge payers , not the community charge payers , but those people , the elderly and the handicapped who are looking for services from this Authority , which the Labour Group will say , we ca n't afford to provide cos the Government does n't send us enough money .
21 The canal includes the Sankey Valley Park , which draws thousands of visitors and is earmarked as a major recreational attraction .
22 The dependence on shellfish by the people of the Klasies River Mouth for a large part of their food continued for tens of thousands of years and is one of the most interesting of Singer and Wymer 's findings .
23 The problem of generalization is a serious one in most of psychology but is particularly poignant in psychobiology because of the damaging consequences of getting it wrong .
24 On on Friday the twelfth of November that 's a week on Friday at the Royal Concert Hall in Nottingham , a very special concert for those who love the big bands and the vocalists that go with them .
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