Example sentences of "[adj] of [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 Morceli says he is ‘ 80 per cent ’ confident of providing himself with the perfect 23rd birthday present by eclipsing Eamonn Coghlan 's ten-year-old mile mark of 3min 49.78sec but Norman believes other records will also tumble , with Colin Jackson in the 60m hurdles and Murray providing the British challenge .
32 you 'd be better of posting it at a post box when you go cos they pick them up .
33 It is revealing in how clear f was and yet I managed to stop short of naming it as racism .
34 He stops short of handing it over himself , but gives it to me to give to her .
35 Miss Polly took his words as a compliment and treated him to a coy smile of invitation , meant to suggest that he should sit beside her ; but Sean had already marked Herbert Fraser for that position of honour , stopping just short of pushing him to the ground .
36 Meanwhile , on the other side of the door he was impatiently eyeing , Karen and I were locked in a windowless room about five feet by three , with no possibility of escape short of flushing ourselves down the lavatory .
37 For some unaccountable reason the horses drawing the cart stopped just inches short of crushing him to death .
38 Much of Muskie 's political fame was earned from his leadership in environmental affairs , which was now being eroded not only by Nixon 's proposals but also by a Ralph Nader report on air pollution which strongly criticized Muskie 's role in the past and just stopped short of accusing him of selling out to industrial polluters ( Lundqvist , 1980 ) .
39 The truth , she mused , as others had done before her , was an elusive element , and — short of shooting them in the kneecaps , or intermittently holding their heads under water there was little one could do to persuade people to reveal it .
40 Short of battering him on the head with a blunt instrument — the thought held immense appeal , and she savoured it for a long moment , before reluctantly putting it on hold — she could n't come up with any way out of the present situation .
41 How else , short of applying it to humans , could one test whether a particular extract contained the carcinogenic material ?
42 I 'm quite weary of doing it with a , with a full set and everything it 's , it 's , it 's , awfully tiring for taking the system
43 De Maizière , who had also accused the CDU on Aug. 27 of enriching itself to the tune of DM26,000,000 at the expense of the east German party ( an allegation he later withdrew ) , on Sept. 11 accused Kohl and the CDU of deliberately discrediting him .
44 But even if they did not , the style demanded players of exceptional calibre — who were becoming increasingly rare — and a manager capable of moulding them into an effective outfit ; in this no one measured up to Chapman .
45 Similarly , we could postulate some alien being capable of seeing nothing at all in the range of wavelengths we call ‘ light ’ but able to see a whole range of colours in the ultraviolet or infrared .
46 ‘ Irish rugby is something special and down the years we 've proved we 're always capable of producing something like this . ’
47 ‘ Irish rugby is something special and down the years we 've proved we 're always capable of producing something like this . ’
48 There is great potential in the land around the port in Belfast and it is important that , when that land is sold , it is sold to a company capable of developing it to the best advantage of the people of Belfast and Northern Ireland .
49 This strategy is capable of converting them from the least profitable product group to the most profitable — for a time .
50 The central-local relationship is dynamic and multi-dimensional , and no one model seems capable of portraying it in its entirety .
51 The plant forms a dense , tall tuft , capable of withstanding plenty of disturbance in the tank .
52 He was quite capable of flattening everything in his path when he gave vent to one of his rare but terrifying fits of temper .
53 A window box is more than capable of supplying you with some of the flowers you may want to press , and you can buy other flowers from a florist to supplement what you grow yourself .
54 Critical for hooking Alphas and VAXes , DEC said the platform would be protocol-independent , capable of handling everything from multi-vendor PC LANs to multi-vendor mainframes .
55 ‘ I came to my senses , ’ she said , economising with the truth until she felt more capable of handling it with any degree of calm .
56 The intellectual influence of the barbarians was , however , felt in the Hellenistic world only to the extent to which they were capable of expressing themselves in Greek .
57 The term conversation is widely used , in a non-technical sense , and people seem capable of distinguishing it from other kinds of talk .
58 Although Dicken 's Barnaby Rudge was a historical novel , set several decades before the period in which it was written , few modern readers are capable of distinguishing it from the author 's non-period writings .
59 ‘ Ten per cent of all plants are capable of leaving you with a red itchy rash or skin swelling , ’ adds Steven Wright .
60 Once this idea is accepted in principle , it remains to ask at what stage a grasp of the mutual dependence between social theory and social science might be capable of helping us with the problem of holism .
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