Example sentences of "[adj] of [pers pn] [be] that " in BNC.

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1 Thank you all for coming , I know that it 's , it just shows how interested some of us are that you are coming in on such a nice day as this to hear Doreen Griffiths ’ The Cinderella Army ’ or the Land Army , and I must say just reading these bits up here now , I 've got lots of questions I want to ask her when she 's finished , so we 'll let her tell
2 The worst of it is that one can not yet express a proper anger about the state of things , since it is just about possible that the Frauleins Krabbe , Breuer and Moller are innocent of any serious wrongdoing ( if that 's the right term ) in the affair of the Uniform Urine .
3 And the worst of it is that this disturbing new trend has extended beyond the mall and into the magazine .
4 And the worst of it is that , unlike the small child , they have learnt so many of the tricks of the adult world : How to play on parental guilt , how to manipulate , how to hide their real feelings and how to convince those that love them most that they are ‘ OK , honestly , mum ’ when actually they are consumed with anxiety and doubt .
5 They 'd sooner take a job eight to five in a factory , if they can get it , and the worst of it is that the ones who do take it on ca n't find a wife .
6 And the worst of it is that you do n't even see those people you knock over as you charge along . ’
7 The worst of it was that Charlotte had intended to emphasize how she had come in search of information , not confrontation .
8 The worst of it was that his headaches made him so angry ; it was a symptom of the poison that was killing him by degrees .
9 The little jokes , the smiles , the anecdotes about his childhood , about his city , had been nothing but clever prelude to her seduction but the worst of it was that she 'd been so damnably easy to seduce .
10 You perhaps do not realize how long and desperately people have fought to keep Winston Spencer Churchill in the wilderness , and how furiously angry many of them are that he is back where he belongs .
11 So really they the benefit of this to those of you is that that this end of Portugal is like that is it .
12 One of them is that for all Enzo Ferrari 's mythomania — and God knows he loves the pomp and circumstance of his legend and exploits it in his dealings with the outside world — the Ingegnere knows his stuff and can be perfectly straight when he wants to .
13 The one thing that really , apar , well not the one thing , many things irritate me about the programme , but one of them is that they get people on so you 've got someone choosing who lives in Edinburgh choosing someone who lives down in Plymouth
14 One of them was that he opened his morning newspaper with an enthusiasm he had not felt for years .
15 One of them was that the nurse , robbed of her pleasure in subduing the hair , turned her savagery more directly on to Harriet and once in a temper broke both of her charge 's thumbs when she was forcing her into a new pair of white kid gloves for Sunday School .
16 He could n't manage it and he said that he felt that he had to stop being an MP er for several reasons , one of them was that he thought most MPs like he agreed he was at certain times , were out of touch .
17 What 's a good answer to that because I found a lot of people , we had that actually on our and one of them was that she .
18 ‘ The best of it was that the farmer — Mr Harris — said that if I proved to be right , he 'd call me in again , especially as Mr Jarvis had said that my fees were moderate .
19 What is missing and what concerns tens of thousands of us is that the midland main line should be electrified as soon as possible .
20 But what it meant to both of them was that all the money was frozen because there was a dispute over whose money was what and how much money had been spent — that was a problem for David and for Tony .
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