Example sentences of "[adj] of [noun pl] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The problem position , of course , is fly-half — the berth that has given Ireland the greatest of difficulties over the past few seasons .
2 NORWICH are setting themselves the toughest of targets over the last nine games of the season as they bid to become champions .
3 His financial controller Roger Richardson came up with a system of false accounting , which enabled them to borrow millions of pounds over a three year period and keep the company going .
4 The Department of Trade and Industry may have lost millions of pounds over the sale of the Rover Group to British Aerospace , a National Audit Office report is thought to have concluded .
5 The Department of Trade and Industry may have lost millions of pounds over the sale of the Rover Group to British Aerospace , according to a National Audit Office report .
6 ALLEGATIONS that the Department of Trade and Industry may have lost the taxpayer millions of pounds over the sale of the Rover Group to British Aerospace are to be made by the National Audit Office , Parliament 's financial watchdog .
7 DARLINGTON 's Bank Top railway station has benefited from a major facelift costing millions of pounds over the last decade .
8 This must be quite disappointing to the Danes who have spent millions of pounds over the years building up ‘ Danish ’ as a trademark on a par with Bisto or Nescafe .
9 He must have embezzled thousands of pounds over the years . ’
10 Barbel fishing in the early days , and I am talking to more than a hundred years ago , was very popular amongst the gentry , who used to employ a man to bait a swim with thousands of lobworms over a period of days , sometimes weeks .
11 Maybe the weight itself of thousands of boys over the last couple of decades had led to some sort of subsidence .
12 Sales representative organized the promotion and personally demonstrated the production of chapattis to thousands of visitors over a five-day period .
13 Yesterday Mr Mandela began a three-day tour of the Natal Midlands , cockpit of the virtual civil war between the ANC and Inkatha which has claimed thousands of lives over the last three years .
14 Accordingly , leaders of the Jewish community were packed off to Vienna to receive first-hand information on organising mass emigration , though how anyone could think of forcing thousands of destitutes over the border — .
15 The fast-swimming Dall 's porpoise has been particularly hard hit in the North Pacific and hundreds of thousands of animals over the last 20 years have been entangled in the giant drift-nets of the salmon , squid , and tuna fisheries .
16 His leader 's menace and awe was able to transmit itself thousands of miles over a telephone line , such was his presence .
17 There is no reliable estimate of abundance for the franciscana , although the incidental gill-net kill of tens of thousands of dolphins over the last 30 years has undoubtedly significantly reduced the total population .
18 IN A FURTHER sign of recession in the US car industry , General Motors is considering cutbacks in its management and salaried staff which could mean thousands of redundancies over the next five years .
19 However , Age Concern has done some research and found that the percentage increase in the average income of the lowest quintile of pensioners over the period 1978 to 1988 is 15 per cent .
20 HAVING had a summer of fair-weather golf , competitors in the British Women 's Stroke-Play Championship at Southerness , many of whom had not had to don a sweater in months , were faced with the foulest of conditions over the first two days .
21 Trading standards officers in Strathclyde and Lothian regions yesterday reported that they had received dozens of queries over the offer .
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