Example sentences of "[adj] be in any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Few are in any doubt that there is plenty more pain to come , and it may well be that the interim management is now expected to clear the decks , steel itself to announce another enormous net loss for the current quarter and let the new chief executive and team come in with a clean sheet .
2 Sites D thirty nine and D forty are in any case not located within the built-up area of the settlement in terms of Greenbelt Plan Policy Four .
3 According to a recent report in the New York Times , Castelli has said that he wishes the archives to be fully accessible to the public and that if this were in any doubt he would donate them without charge to the Smithsonian Institute 's Archives of American Art .
4 Such exploration may even dispose of the attraction ; this is in any case to be hoped for , if one thinks on these lines , as resolution of the transference/counter transference situation of which psychoanalysis and other therapies take account .
5 Priddle and Heywood ( 1980 ) regard antarctic lakes as forming an evolutionary series which has developed over the period of about 20 000 years since the ice-sheet was maximal ; this is in any case a convenient way of describing them .
6 J 2 is in any case a weak constraint on density models and when it is this poorly known it is useless .
7 This was in any case already known from the fact that statistically significant ear differences in reaction time or accuracy of report have been observed even with monaural stimulus presentation ( for a bibliography see Henry , 1979 ) .
8 When he looked at her like that she was n't at all sure that this was in any way a ‘ soft ’ assignment .
9 It has never , therefore , been a ‘ value-free ’ academic discipline , if such were in any event possible .
10 There are possible offsetting arguments concerning internal structure , but these are in any case not unambiguous in their directional effect .
11 Secret diplomacy , bribery , the interception of correspondence — none of these was in any way peculiar to the eighteenth century .
12 NT and IBM 's OS/2 2.0 are in any case only ‘ Unix redone , ’ argues House , and in NT , Microsoft ‘ has n't realised the value of a consistent user interface , both spatially and syntactically . ’
13 But this er w this this feeling of erm not being respected , w do you think in that was in any sense a an important motivation for just sticking it out amongst the older men ?
14 A North Yorkshire police spokesman said neither was in any danger .
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