Example sentences of "[adj] be in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I would like to apologize on behalf of myself and my proof reading team for the fact that two calls for nominations that erm that are in this newsletter do n't actually appear to have closing dates on them .
2 In the first place , while countries listed from 1 to 92 are in strict GNP per capita order , countries 93 , 94 and 95 ( South Africa , Ireland and Italy ) all have lower per capita figures than 92 ( Israel ) .
3 Old binders can still be found at farm sales , but few are in good working order and spare parts and canvases may cost more than the machines themselves .
4 Few are in any doubt that there is plenty more pain to come , and it may well be that the interim management is now expected to clear the decks , steel itself to announce another enormous net loss for the current quarter and let the new chief executive and team come in with a clean sheet .
5 A spokesman said : ‘ Some are in mint condition , carried across the Andes by mule train 250 years ago . ’
6 Some horticultural staff write excellent articles in journals , and some are in constant demand for public lectures .
7 Professional women in particular need to establish their career before having children ; a disproportionate number of mothers aged over 30 are in social class I or II .
8 Sites D thirty nine and D forty are in any case not located within the built-up area of the settlement in terms of Greenbelt Plan Policy Four .
9 According to a recent report in the New York Times , Castelli has said that he wishes the archives to be fully accessible to the public and that if this were in any doubt he would donate them without charge to the Smithsonian Institute 's Archives of American Art .
10 He could see from the number of bells beside each door that they 'd nearly all been turned into flats now , or dentists ' surgeries , and some were in urgent need of renovation , but they still retained some of their former grandeur , or was it pretension ?
11 Nearly a quarter of the forty were in unskilled factory jobs and over a third have done typing or general office work .
12 This is in stark contrast with the majority of Mbuna where male and female are generally about the same size .
13 This is in stark contrast to the fifties and sixties when loan capital formed an important part of corporate financing needs .
14 This is in stark contrast with the Exclusion Crisis , when both the electorate and , at least initially , " the crowd " , appear to have been largely in favour of the Whigs .
15 This is in stark contrast to the position in the United States , where Congress alone has the formal power to declare war and the Senate 's consent is necessary for the ratification of treaties and the appointment of federal public officers .
16 But theatre-goers expecting a regulation production of Measure for Measure at Chester 's Gateway Theatre will be in for a surprise this is in modern dress .
17 This is in apparent contradiction to the claims of some previous studies , but in line with data from the LFS .
18 This is in general accordance with the state of corporate-finance literature .
19 All this is in striking contrast to the complacency and not-invented-here syndrome that has helped to bring many a big firm down ( think of the motor industry ) .
20 This is in striking contrast to the important role they play in the occupational structure : currently some thirty-six per cent of the labour force is female .
21 Much of this is in appalling condition .
22 This is in sharp contrast to the normal behaviour of a married couple , since modesty and decorum require them to refrain from any open show of their mutual love .
23 This is in sharp contrast to the approach of traditional neo-classical economics .
24 This is in sharp contrast to the Ministerial rule book , which states : ‘ No Minister or public servant should accept gifts , hospitality or services from anyone which would , or might appear to , place him or her under an obligation .
25 This is in sharp contrast to Britain where progress up the hierarchy of the party is very much a process of starting at the bottom and working up , first to a seat in Parliament and then , possibly , to ministerial office .
26 This is in sharp contrast to Britain 's Official Secrets Act , and the one-sided relationship between citizen and bureaucrat in the Soviet Union .
27 This is in sharp contrast to the pattern at the last observation in hospital , where activity levels tended to peak on only three occasions ( breakfast , lunch , and tea ) .
28 This is in sharp contrast to other countries on the continent such as France where up to 80 pc of homes have fitted bedroom furniture .
29 This is in another class altogether : literate , thoughtful , at times profound , and shot through with wit .
30 This is in marked contrast to the position prior to privatization when the commercial objective was accepted by senior management but not by the bulk of employees . ’
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