Example sentences of "[adj] be in any case " in BNC.

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1 Sites D thirty nine and D forty are in any case not located within the built-up area of the settlement in terms of Greenbelt Plan Policy Four .
2 Such exploration may even dispose of the attraction ; this is in any case to be hoped for , if one thinks on these lines , as resolution of the transference/counter transference situation of which psychoanalysis and other therapies take account .
3 Priddle and Heywood ( 1980 ) regard antarctic lakes as forming an evolutionary series which has developed over the period of about 20 000 years since the ice-sheet was maximal ; this is in any case a convenient way of describing them .
4 J 2 is in any case a weak constraint on density models and when it is this poorly known it is useless .
5 This was in any case already known from the fact that statistically significant ear differences in reaction time or accuracy of report have been observed even with monaural stimulus presentation ( for a bibliography see Henry , 1979 ) .
6 There are possible offsetting arguments concerning internal structure , but these are in any case not unambiguous in their directional effect .
7 NT and IBM 's OS/2 2.0 are in any case only ‘ Unix redone , ’ argues House , and in NT , Microsoft ‘ has n't realised the value of a consistent user interface , both spatially and syntactically . ’
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