Example sentences of "[adj] be [noun pl] for [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But the crucial point about pretence or acting is that these are activities for which there are criteria too .
2 These are objects for which the compact object is normally thought to be a neutron star ; the most popular model for the QPOs involves interaction between an accretion flow and the magnetosphere of the neutron star .
3 It ought to be able to offer more psychological and psychiatric help to the men who inhabit its strange , grey world ; more group work as well as individual help is acknowledged as being required by the staff , including the Probation Officer , who have a special responsibility for it , for these are men for whom the risk of reconviction is often very high .
4 none of these are starters for their teams right now and some are not even on the bench ( Lydersen , Strandli ) .
5 Not everyone would feel that these were messages for them ; many people always turn to the cartoon page first of all , and some do n't read much more than that ; God gives Jeremiah several cartoons in the course of this passage ; did you notice in verse 25 the dig about wearing your feet out — because the people had already worn their shoes out !
6 It is true that Spinoza is famous for having denied the existence of final causes in nature in the sense in which Aristotle believed in them , that is purposes for which each thing existed .
7 That 's mothers for you .
8 That 's pens for you .
9 That 's females for you , ’ said Gurder .
10 That 's women for you , ’ Polly retorted blithely .
11 That 's Frenchmen for you . ’
12 That 's humans for you , ’ the Doctor muttered , too quietly for Mortimer to hear .
13 ‘ When a man does something bad , it 's said ‘ That 's men for you — it 's part of the oppressive male patriarchy . ’
14 Getting on well with Matt — obviously there 's going to be some competition once we start work but he 's not half as paranoid as I thought he 'd be , a bit back-slapping , still I guess that 's Yanks for you .
15 That 's foxes for you , ’ said Philip .
16 Both are crimes for which they are punished in the natural course of things :
17 I implored him not to , but he was adamant , thus following Rear Admiral Poland who had resigned from Muirfield in consequence of my being blackballed there ( ‘ it makes no sense at all ’ , he wrote to the secretary , ‘ that he can be accepted as a guest but blackballed as a member ’ ) : both were sacrifices for which I felt a personal responsibility and which caused me much distress .
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