Example sentences of "[adj] be [adj] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , a few are notable for their apparent determination always to herald the New Year with a fresh bud !
2 The paths we 've chosen are all recognised long-distance routes and some are waymarked for their entire length .
3 What follows from this is decisive for our whole discussion : doubt is not the opposite of faith , nor is it the same as unbelief .
4 Also ( though this is immaterial for our present purpose ) both are centrosymmetric .
5 ‘ However , this is immaterial for our analysis .
6 This was invaluable for my second pregnancy and birth .
7 , Thomas ( fl. 1292–1342 ) , was a working mason at the first building of St Stephen 's chapel in Westminster Palace in 1292–3 and again in 1294 , His name indicates his birth in Witney , Oxfordshire , a manor of the bishop of Winchester , and this was significant for his career .
8 The Japanese are famed for their ‘ quality circles ’ , but many of their companies also have ‘ cost-reduction circles ’ .
9 More than anything else , it seems that the single , thin , black line of tesserae which delineates the eight semi-hidden petals in mosaic 7 is responsible for their angular appearance .
10 Item — Alexander III was well-known for his mad galloping around the countryside in pursuit of some lady .
11 I tell you what these are good for your back Ange .
12 These are ideal for our purpose and by late summer should be just about right .
13 Even small degrees of enzyme inefficiency can have effects on other pathways if these are dependent for their functioning on products of the defective pathway or if they are inhibited by the build-up of substances prior to the block .
14 If the party at large is grateful for their actions , it shows little evidence of it .
15 The Class 89 was notable for its lack of teething troubles , sadly not experienced by the two other new electric designs .
16 Oceanic are renowned for their innovative designs and precision building .
17 ‘ There was plenty to keep us busy and all is well for our 21st anniversary celebrations .
18 No longer would he have to pin all his hopes on the random burglaries that he 'd carried out in that first couple of days , none of which had turned up anything better than a shotgun or a low-calibre target weapon ; those were useless for his purpose , and he 'd left them where he 'd found them .
19 In this way you can find out whether the therapy concerned is suitable for your particular condition , what the cost per session will be , how many sessions you are likely to need and so on .
20 We shall argue later that the same is true for our preferred approach based on human rights .
21 I suspect that the same is true for his profession and the objects on their desk ; calculator , notepad , diary and telephone book for example .
22 The same was true for my mother . ’
23 The same was true for your mother until her recent , fatal heart attack .
24 You wo n't convince me that the answer to that is necessary for your enquiry .
25 The most important of these is the so-called Dresden Codex , which includes a set of tables for the planet Venus that is remarkable for its accuracy .
26 ‘ The construct of authority ‘ held in the mind ’ is that it could be good but is in actuality bad , and the hope held by workers is that it [ authority ] may be all that is positive for their children .
27 That is bad for their allies and themselves , but it is hardly new .
28 Cushions and pads may help for a while but they will never convert a seat or chair that is bad for your back into one which gives you comfort and relief .
29 If the tank commander wishes to move fast or manoeuvre then he allows the pressure to build so that is sufficient for his needs .
30 More specifically , I have attempted to trace some of the interrelationships among several ‘ orientations ’ or ‘ themes ’ in Semai life — dependence and nurturance , danger , individualism , and autonomy — that interact in constituting , socially , psychologically , and culturally , a reality where individuals are , on the one hand , at risk of being alone in an unremittingly hostile world and , on the other , tightly enclosed in a network of kin and co-villagers upon whom each is dependent for his very survival .
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