Example sentences of "[adj] be [adj] for many " in BNC.

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1 The history of this is that for many years M O D were unhappy about expansion of the , of the port er , for commercial use and the reason they were unhappy of course was that erm commercial use was competition that they felt would be likely to drive up wages .
2 While this is adequate for many purposes , more colours can be generated at the expense of a reduction in the number of unit map cells that can be printed across the width of the paper by the use of a procedure called dithering .
3 However , on behalf of many of my constituents — I am sure that this is true for many other people around the country — I should like to stress that , although none of us thought in 1979 that we would be discussing this situation today , as a result of it many of our constituents have received a quality of life far superior to that which they might otherwise have had .
4 The same is true for many of the other Operators in the Company .
5 The same is true for many other periods ; for instance , coins provide a date for the deposit of the great Viking hoard from Cuerdale in Lancashire of c.AD905 , and this in turn provides a date for the associated objects and hence a pivotal fixed chronological point for our understanding of Anglo-Saxon metalwork .
6 Recent ethnography of writing has demonstrated that the same is true for many contemporary societies now labelled ‘ literate ’ ; much of the practice turns out to be , as in Iran ( see below , Section 2 ) , writing names on crates of produce , keeping records of business transactions , writing cheques etc. , or , as in English factories , reading warning or instruction labels , one-word sign symbols and signing names or filling in forms ( see Section 3 ) .
7 The same is true for many of the relationships in organisations .
8 The book is no Daddie Dearest , though the two were estranged for many years .
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