Example sentences of "[adj] be [adj] [adv] because " in BNC.

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1 It is true that 8 exemplifies a recurrent semantic contrast , but this is possible only because of the presence of m — in both sentences .
2 The Regional Council believes this is possible only because of its role in planning strategic land use , economic development and transport .
3 This is interesting both because it suggests that non-Hebbian forms of potentiation occur in the hippocampus , and because it provides implicit evidence for the existence of a diffusible extracellular messenger ( see text ) .
4 This is true largely because the problems associated with maintaining a safe environment are different in different parts of the world .
5 Darwin converted the whole world to evolutionism — but this was possible only because the general idea of evolution could be exploited in so many different ways .
6 This was possible mainly because the capacity for viewing personal identity in terms of language and ‘ languages ’ , which was to become the hallmark of her work from the 1960s onward , is integrated in the early novels into a realist narrative mode .
7 Though the first state action came in 1882 with the Ancient Monuments Act , this was important chiefly because it acknowledged the interest of the state in the preservation of ancient monuments .
8 No. 28 was noticeable only because it did not have net curtains , just long , dark purple ones which were almost drawn across the front room window .
9 Speed came on for White and did n't seem to have many problems although that 's prob- ably because he did n't touch the ball much .
10 That 's good actually because I saw that from a long way off and I thought what is it ?
11 That 's alright though because it does n't , I 'm not worried tonight because you can lay in tomorrow cos as I say there 's no playschool or gymnastics is there ?
12 But I think perhaps , that in a way that becomes the main point is that , although it 's called The Porch Way , I mean , you know that 's fair enough because you can see it is a porch , it 's not clearly defined we we 've got this sort of two pillars here , and a little bit of green , so they 're losing a bit of shape of the porch er and this becomes the sort of erm main er point of the picture .
13 But I was annoyed and I thought well that 's fair enough because I was n't aware that those particular documents were required by the accountants to sort things out , but
14 I think that 's fair enough because a revolution could actually happen .
15 Now that 's fair enough because we 've actually bunged more in in terms of testing , we 're covered in testing , and we 've got temps who are less productive , so to an extent we , we , we , we ou our budget did expect that bump .
16 It was room 48. 48 was a good number ; not as good as 32 or 64 , but better than , say , 49 , and much better than 47 ( though that was interesting too because it was a prime ) .
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