Example sentences of "[adj] be [adj] [noun pl] from " in BNC.

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1 Going back further than this are yearly highlights from the years 1980 to 1988 , and major issues of the decade from the ‘ 20 's right through to the ‘ 70's .
2 Among the field of 300 are top amateurs from Britain , the Continent , New Zealand and the United States , and the competition for the trophy will be intense .
3 Some were direct referrals from general practitioners .
4 At first many of the new recruits were from Mosley 's New Party ; some were old followers from the ILP .
5 The following are two examples from brochures in the early 1990s which were distributed to parents and local businesses , and were even to be found in doctors ' and dentists ' waiting rooms .
6 These are Mig-21 fighters from the Hungarian Magyar Kapos Dog Fight Team .
7 I mean i i i the these are individual peasants from a village who are standing up and taking the lead in criticizing landlords etcetera but , but they , they are not the Party cadres coming in from outside .
8 These are selected children from the schools — often perhaps the best in the class — that have been put forward .
9 These were selected units from the wide geographic area covered by the East of Scotland College of Agriculture .
10 Rather than carrying the usual disclaimer about the characters bearing no relation to living persons , the introduction said that these were real stories from Eleanor 's life .
11 These were wise words from a wise old bird , but Matilda was too steamed up to see it that way .
12 Of those figures , 95 were new inquiries from people with nowhere else to turn .
13 Today 's stage 11 is 86 miles from Liverpool 's King 's Dock starting 11am and ending in Salford Quays .
14 The data in Table 15.1 are simulated observations from a trivariate distribution in which the population means of all three variables are 55 , the standard deviations are 15 and the correlations are ρ yz = ρ xy = 0.5 and ρ xz = 0.25 .
15 Erm it is er fair to say that London 's far easier to get to er , from Harlow than certain areas in Essex are erm , those are direct comments from the chief executive of the proposed erm health authority .
16 And now she knew that those responsible were Shi'ite terrorists from Iran , while Philippe Chaumont was held by Shi'ite terrorists in Lebanon .
17 The above are selected examples from among many , of discontinuous distributions of similar synchronous deposits .
18 Today 's stage nine is 120 miles from Wrexham to Rotherham and the Milk Race comes to Liverpool city centre tomorrow , the first riders set to arrive at around 2.30pm. finishing line for the stage is situated at the top of the cobbled William Brown Street .
19 And many of the town-dwellers of 1880 were recent immigrants from the countryside .
20 Four 40 's inspired shapes from leading stylist , John Frieda
21 I think that 's 26 minutes from start to finish from the bare canvas ’ , interjects Nancy .
22 We were going to tell her on her birthday , that 's two weeks from today . ’
23 ‘ We move out at twenty-two hundred hours — that 's two-and-a-half hours from now .
24 That 's three wins from three runs at York and he 'll be back for the Ebor again in August , ’ Johnston said .
25 Nearly three thousand runners … climbers … orienteers are competing in teams of two … among the fittest and fastest are two scientists from Oxfordshire …
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