Example sentences of "[adj] be [adj] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The lower-level subskills involved in word recognition can become automatised through practice , and this is necessary so that the reader 's mind can be left free to attempt alternate integrations in order to calculate the writer 's intended meaning .
2 This is necessary so that the barium can pass into the bowel for the X-ray procedure and so that good vision can be obtained through the sigmoidoscope .
3 This is necessary so that the bill can be accurately discounted .
4 so it 'll all be level so that
5 Some of the latter were portable so that a current of air could be allowed to play direct on to the patients ' faces .
6 If you are buying , you need to start by collecting information about all that is available so that you can compare costs and capabilities .
7 Erm by nineteen forty eight erm the Communist Party had argued that three conditions had to be there for land reform to take place and that was that how that the area had to be militarily stable , the majority of peasants erm rich peasants had to be mobilized er had to want to be demanding land reform and the Party cadres there had to be adequate in numbers and quality .
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