Example sentences of "[adj] the [noun sg] be in " in BNC.

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1 Given that the Minister is in such expansive mood I will press him on the matter of training .
2 The point , now belaboured , is how rich the state is in possibility , no matter what the taste or budget .
3 By 1893 the club was in trouble financially , but it was resolved that it be ‘ restarted at once ’ .
4 The murder was on the 12th , the 13th found him in Farnham , the 15th in Petersfield , and on the 17th the fugitive was in Portsmouth , trying desperately to join the Marines .
5 It is interesting to note , however , how strong the price was in the final quarter of the year , when Houghton Mifflin was singled out as a prime beneficiary of Clinton-inspired support for education as well as the more favourable demographic trends .
6 The Marshal , whose thoughts were still with the prisoner on his way back to serve fifteen years in the Murate , and who was further distracted by half the talk being in English , was hardly able to follow a word of this interrogation .
7 There 's one thing about it , only been a year old the heating is in good condition , you 're warm in there .
8 In No. 2 the balance is in favour of the San Diego performance , with its lightness and charm and extra hushed beauty in the slow movement .
9 ‘ He knew every inch of that path , and how dangerous the cliff was in places .
10 I just sat , looking at the lovely day , glad the train was in no hurry .
11 By nine-thirty the dance was in full swing .
12 If the line is sloping to the left the job is in advance of the schedule and if to the right it is slipping behind schedule .
13 If the line is sloping to the left the job is in advance of the schedule and if to the right it is slipping behind schedule .
14 Athelstan was sure the murderer was in the Tower and equally certain that some evil deed from the past had finally caught up with Sir Ralph .
15 ‘ Our goal ’ , he says , ‘ is to make sure the town is in good social and economic shape so that it is ready for the next century . ’
16 Make sure the weight is in your heels and your hips push back .
17 the third member of the team is stable head girl Jackie Potts her job is to make sure the horse is in it 's finest fettle …
18 I 'm quite sure that the way forward for teachers and parents is within some kind of co-operative framework , and the only way that can work effectively is for each to be aware of other 's needs and difficulties , and the kind of barriers that have existed in the past for parents to get into schools I think are being lowered by the schools , but it takes almost a generation , I think , for parents to stop being frightened about what school is doing and the kind of parents who 've had bad experiences themselves in schools , I think , have enormous difficulties in approaching teachers and I 'm sure the answer is in terms of co-operative activity — children and schools , schools and parents , and all of them together with myriad of outside agencies that are available for children with severe problems .
19 One child goes out of the room while all the rest are in a circle .
20 Local agronomists from the Commissariat of Agriculture discovered in the Samara guberniia that 40 per cent of the machinery that had been hired out was unusable , and virtually all the rest was in need of repairs .
21 For studies of ICJ transit , with this method , a value of 1 indicated that all the isotope was in the first 4 cm of ileum ; a value of 6 indicated that all isotope was in the caecum or colon .
22 It 's all very well for all the major computer manufacturers to say that all the money is in software and services these days , and that hardware is a commodity business , but if no-one wants to make the hardware , there 's no industry .
23 So at low enough temperatures , with the gate voltage , Vg , chosen to put EF in a mobility gap , all the current is in effect carried by electrons that can not be dissipatively scattered , and the resistance falls to zero .
24 How all the enjoyment is in the cleaning and almost none in the retouching ( this surprised him ) .
25 All the fodder is in the horse car , ’ he said , ‘ except for some extra sacks of those cubes most of the horses are having , which are in the baggage car .
26 When all the guttering is in place you can start on the downpipes These are generally fixed from the ground working upwards , but you must make sure that you are working to the right line if ( as is common ) the guttering is offset from the wall .
27 And all the literature 's in English and that takes time ! ’
28 In Thailand she was struck with the contrast between the acrobatic and boisterous dances for men , and the women 's gentle , elegant movement in which all the activity is in the hands and arms , the feet never leaving the ground .
29 That we try out a petition throughout all the centre 's in the town .
30 The main reasons for writing to the Lancet are frustration that we have been discredited , that our grants depend on this work and also that all the evidence is in writing . ’
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