Example sentences of "[adj] the [noun sg] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1943 the course was at risk of being farmed when official orders were made to plough up the 9th , 10th , 11th , 12th , 13th and 14th holes .
2 I think trying to keep something very simple erm you know a simple rule for everyone to follow and all that that following this protocol requires is that er that the urologist is at least partially sighted .
3 Given that the Minister is in such expansive mood I will press him on the matter of training .
4 No erm it 's , it 's more recent than that I think in nineteen fifty the election was on a Tuesday .
5 As far as possible the inheritance was to be preserved entirely .
6 ‘ An out-party sometimes forgets that the power it exercises as an opposition is to some extent in the hands of journalists ’ ; the more supportive the press is of the opposition party , the more pressure it can bring on the party in power .
7 In section 2.4 the focus is on explanation at the level of the individual firm .
8 The Greens want regional self-reliance , in agriculture as well as in other things ; a land tax applied so that ‘ in general terms , the nearer the land is to its natural state , the lower the land tax would be ’ ; energy efficiency ; population reduction through encouragement and education ( with 15–20 million the target for Britain ) ; and a sharing of ‘ the abundance which nature can provide for us all if the greedy do not take more than their fair share ’ .
9 These curves were concave to the origin : the nearer the curve was to the origin the higher the level of social welfare .
10 The nearer the temperature is to the freezing point , the more continuous is the network of associated water molecules .
11 The more heightened the form of that communication , as we shall see in the illustration that follows , the nearer the participant is to reaching the performance mode within dramatic playing .
12 The point , now belaboured , is how rich the state is in possibility , no matter what the taste or budget .
13 It was amazing how little the money was at such a famous and unbelievably well-supported club .
14 From 1950 to 1980 the tendency was for chronological studies to become increasingly sophisticated and more interdisciplinary so that this is a stricture on visualizing earlier work rather than the most recent .
15 Dr Neil wanted to tell her to be careful , that she really had little idea of how hard and cruel the world was outside the privileged fastness in which she had previously lived , but he contented himself with saying instead , ‘ Have a good time , McAllister .
16 By 1893 the club was in trouble financially , but it was resolved that it be ‘ restarted at once ’ .
17 The murder was on the 12th , the 13th found him in Farnham , the 15th in Petersfield , and on the 17th the fugitive was in Portsmouth , trying desperately to join the Marines .
18 As you construct your argument , you will be obliged to make judgements about how firmly you are committed to each of its ideas , and how strong the evidence is for believing them .
19 It is interesting to note , however , how strong the price was in the final quarter of the year , when Houghton Mifflin was singled out as a prime beneficiary of Clinton-inspired support for education as well as the more favourable demographic trends .
20 In all this the emphasis is on the prices and quantities and , in particular , on these prices and quantities as they would emerge under equilibrium conditions .
21 In this the focus is upon improving the capacity to make open and honest relationships .
22 The divisions are planted so that half the rhizome is above the soil surface , as they rot if covered with soil .
23 By July 1990 nearly half the country was under emergency regulations — a legacy inherited by the new government of President Alberto Fujimori which took office in Peru on 28 July .
24 The day after the story graced the front page of the Derry Journal one well-placed local moron assured me that ‘ half the school 's on heroin ’ and that a number of pupils were presently ‘ dying from AIDS ’ …
25 Half the money is for Channel Tunnel work , leaving spending on existing lines at the lowest level in years .
26 Although the final decision was with Cabinet , it would be most unlikely that they would overturn the views of a committee which had spent a number of weeks going through the proposals almost line by line — particularly given that half the Cabinet were on the committee and the Prime Minister was in the chair .
27 The Marshal , whose thoughts were still with the prisoner on his way back to serve fifteen years in the Murate , and who was further distracted by half the talk being in English , was hardly able to follow a word of this interrogation .
28 Approximately half the force were from the Commonwealth — Aussies , Canadians , New Zealanders , South Africans , Rhodesians and even from as far afield as Hong Kong , Fiji and the West Indies , this all made for healthy competition .
29 I think half the crowd were on their way home , down Headington Hill , down Lime Walk , bemoaning United not scoring for the second week in succession , then up steps Andy Melville .
30 Ah , let me just say what leaders of peacetime Margaret was after early life was that a cold mother who was erm , full of personality People of London biography of the leader of the Conservative , because at least half the book is about
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