Example sentences of "[adj] [is] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is done at the headquarters in Johannesburg while the play is on tour .
2 The other issue arising here is whether you take the cost of the chairs out of the asset account and show them as an expense each time a sale is made or whether this is done at the end of the month .
3 This is done at the expense of the external validity , i.e. the applicability of the results to the population as a whole .
4 Medically there is little change in factors such as blood pressure , and risk of heart disease , though there could be a moderate fall in blood cholesterol level if this is elevated at the start of the diet .
5 This is made at the monastery of Arkadion in Crete . ’
6 At 11am the first proclamation is made under an ancient oak on the green ; this is repeated at a further four traditional places in the village .
7 This is placed at the bottom of the cylindrical casing .
8 There is one large interesting watercolour with a background of the Langdales , a middle ground of Hornby Castle and a foreground of the lower falls at Rydal ; all this is explained at the foot of the picture .
9 If this is maintained at a sufficiently intense level and for long enough , orgasm will follow .
10 This is exemplified at a rather trivial level by the fact that almost every programme or course in support of RMI begins with seeking participants ' views as to just ‘ What is RMI ’ .
11 YOUR ACCOMMODATION — prices are calculated for one of the following arrangements and this is indicated at the foot of each Club description .
12 This is based at the SST offices in Chippenham and is available during normal office working hours , which are 08:30 to 17:30 .
13 The subliminal message of most music is that the universe is essentially benign , that if there is sadness or tragedy , this is resolved at the level of some higher harmony .
14 This is reversed at the opposite end , however : 11.5 per cent of men and only 6.2 per cent of women gained thirds ( Universities Statistical Record ) .
15 This is spoken at a time when the media are documenting despair amongst Cork Street galleries and recognition by major collectors such as the Saatchi family that the bottom has fallen out of the market for modern art .
16 This is aimed at the wider community and particularly at adults .
17 Now this , is this is going at a fantastic rate .
18 Naturalistic studies in the homes of families with an aggressive child indicate that the siblings of that child also show a high rate of aggressive behaviour but that this is directed at the sibling rather than the parent ( Patterson 1982 ; 1984 ) .
19 This is associated at the macro level with an overall income level and , given a zero tax rate ( in our example , for simplicity , the tax rate is a proportional one so that average and marginal tax rates coincide ) , the level of recorded income will be close to if not identical with it at .
20 This is set at a uniform tax rate throughout the country , pooled and reallocated — so much per adult , with an adjustment for poorer areas .
21 The European ( and Japanese ) unwillingness to accept this is shown at a theoretical level by their refusal to accept proposals which would have required revaluations , and in practice by their preparedness to pile up dollar reserves .
22 And yet this is happening at a moment when the leaders in question stand exceptionally low in public esteem .
23 Moreover , this is occurring at a time when few resources are available to enable them to deal with increased numbers .
24 This is occurring at the same time as the Commission is using the single market as an excuse to augment its power for political means .
25 It is important to realize that firms may have enough information at the end of period 1 to predict the rise in aggregate demand in period 2 , so that the rise in aggregate demand from period 1 to period 2 is anticipated at the end of period 1 .
26 Stage 2 is aimed at the people who have worked on their business idea with the help of their counsellor over the summer .
27 Another is to marvel at the pointlessness of many a sophisticated achievement and to be superior about it , the last , or one of the last , indulgences of a European .
28 It is hard to remember , unless something similar is happening at the time , exactly how strongly people feel at moments of great political crisis , how they are carried away by conviction of the rightness of their own side and by contempt and hatred of the other .
29 It may predispose the interviewer to accept you if nothing untoward is revealed at the interview , or it may prevent you from ever reaching that stage .
30 An invited audience of at least 250,000 is expected at the outdoor event .
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