Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] what it be " in BNC.

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1 However , it must also be recognised that in most cases when English speakers come across an unfamiliar word , they can pronounce it with the correct stress ( there are exceptions to this , of course ) ; in principle , it should be possible to discover what it is that the English speaker knows and to write in the form of rules .
2 It will be interesting to see what it 's like when the VL Bus video cards turn up .
3 I 'm interested to see what it 's gon na do for a hot wax if you see what I mean ?
4 Williams argues that the utilitarian , given his empirical approach , should recognize this fact and be prepared to investigate what it is that gives these people happiness .
5 You are afraid to ask what it 's about because you feel she must have a legitimate reason to see you urgently , so you stay home and are late for work .
6 In view of the terms in which he was later to express his enthusiasm for Wagner , it is interesting to note what it was that first seriously attracted him : nor the morbid metaphysical-flavoured world of romance , the hypnotic emotional intensity and musical " modernity " of Tristan , representing at the time , the high point of Wagner 's most distinctive line of development ; nor indeed the available parts of the similarly " modern " , but emotionally more robust , Ring ; rather , the musically " reactionary " Meistersinger that deferred to traditional expectations of harmony , tonality and musical organization and depicted through the medium of " healthy " comic opera the successful struggle of artistic genius against stifling Hanslickian convention .
7 Is it possible to define what it is that they have in common ?
8 It is not at all easy to see what it is that makes one thing tough and another brittle because the substances in each of these lists seem to have little enough in common .
9 Something was wrong , but it was almost impossible to remember what it was .
10 I knew you 'd thought of something , and when you asked for extra milk it was n't hard to guess what it was . ’
11 ‘ La Loge ’ had been up very recently , and with nothing sold lately at anything like $12 million , it is hard to say what it is now worth .
12 supposed to find out , supposed to say what it is first
13 He figured that the women in those shops were too innocent to know what it was really used for .
14 It would have been invaluable to know what it was they really wanted from their association with the Ping Tiao .
15 I was really curious to know what it was like to have your collar felt .
16 Says if I move the window he 'll be able to see what it is and avoid it . ’
17 But because of the very vagueness of form in the crime novel it is all the more important to bear what it is constantly in mind , and all the more difficult to do so .
18 So it is just as important to know what it is about your organisation that customers value so that you can promote it fully .
19 We suggest that the more a person is in love and the less they are able to define what it is in the other that they love , the less free is the conscious choice and the more it relates to the ‘ me in you ’ and the search for psychological wholeness through another .
20 If only we could bring it into focus , he wrote , if only we could concentrate hard enough , we might be able to understand what it is .
21 ‘ Chuck a couple of buckets of water over him , we might be able to recognise what it is , ’ Yanto suggested .
22 I was concerned to understand what it was like to leave school and grow up in a world with little work .
23 It is important to grasp what it was that peace activists thought they were trying to prevent .
24 Being submissive is the co point where what happens when you 're submissive you keep it inside you do n't feel you 're worthy enough or you have n't got you have n't got the self esteem to rate yourself as being able to have what it is that you want , so you keep it inside and you do n't say anything and then you walk away should 've said this and should 've said that and all it does is eat away at you and it does that to you physically as well I mean scientific tests are already showing now that physically these sort of things you do if often be submissive enough what that does it pretty much helps helps you to eat your body up from the inside and causes physical problems which pretty much do that anyway .
25 difficult to see what it is .
26 Most people who notice it at parties are too polite to ask what it is and why I am wearing it , but to the few who do I say ( because I find it embarrassing to explain ) that it is concerned with the story of the sinking of the Bismarck ; and then relish the look of puzzlement on their faces .
27 Mazzin was out of there in a flash , laughing with his friends who seemed eager to know what it was like in the box .
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